
Tech which makes Sense

Scientists report that the absolute limit that can create irreversible changes is the increase in average temperature by 2 ° C. This phenomenon at these rates is natural and is responsible for maintaining the right temperature on Earth.

Located in the atmosphere, water vapor and gases on Earth, e.g. carbon dioxide, they absorb the heat emitted by the Earth and human OPERATIONS cause gases to escape into the atmosphere (for example, CFCs) which INCREASES the greenhouse effect.

The climate on Earth depends on many factors on which man always has an impact. This does not change the activity of the sun and other natural factors, but the increase in Anthropopression – (typically human activities (both planned and random) that have an impact on the natural environment) is particularly dangerous from the point of view of a greater development of socio-economic growth.

Between 1970 and 2004. Emissions increased by 70%, resulting in significant changes in climate. Every year, global CO2 emissions increase by 4.5%.

Carbon dioxide comes in particular from the operation of fossil fuels, ie. Dioxide, coal, lignite, oil and gas. According to the International Energy Agency of May 30, 2011.

The highest level ever reached was 30.6 gigatons.

The most visible manifestation of global warming is the melting of glaciers, which will raise the level of the oceans. It is estimated that each year the Arctic ice area is shrinking by 35,000 km and the overall water level is rising by 2-3 mm per year. In the last 25 years, the surface of the Arctic glaciers has shrunk by an area equivalent to the size of France, Germany and two-thirds of Poland.

By the end of the current century, the sea level will rise between 1 and 1.5 m. The threat is so severe that the overall ice level in Greenland is raising sea levels by 7 meters and in Antarctica by 70 meters.

Glaciers are estimated to contain more than 75% of the world’s freshwater resources. The rivers that flow from these glaciers draw water to more than 2.5 billion people, so rising water levels will have negative consequences for local people, if not the world.

Elimination and degradation of forests affected by the following factors: Tungsten migratory cultivation, felling of trees, infrastructure development, expansion of plantations, fields and pastures, and the phenomenon of urbanization.

Illegal logging also favors the corruption of officials contributing to the greater poverty of local communities, which pushes them in the direction of excessive use of their natural resources.

Large corporations contribute to deforestation. For example, Western companies, which buy palm oil from deforested areas in Indonesia. Wasteful deforestation promotes Indonesia’s GDP growth, but at the expense of a vast area of ​​forest, disappearing habitats and peatlands. Deforestation generates social conflicts and adverse effects on the lives of indigenous peoples, forcing them to migrate to cities to find adequate living conditions.

According to the researchers, at the current rate of deforestation, 2/3 of the animal species living on Earth will disappear by the end of the 21st century.

Keep in mind that the extinction of one species disrupts the life cycle of another and this, in turn, destabilizes the entire ecosystem.

The destruction of biodiversity is an irreparable loss for all humanity.

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