
Tech which makes Sense

Why does the interviewer always ask that question, “What are your hobbies?” When answering this question, you should know what it means to ask him about his hobbies. Many job seekers fail due to their inability to answer that question, they don’t understand what hobbies mean, they often misinterpret it and are not sure what hobbies they should mean when asked, they know they always think that the hobbies they they have are always good hobbies for them, they forget that our hobbies can be good and bad, that they do not support us for the job when we incorrectly mention the hobbies that the interviewer asks.

Why does the applicant ask us about our hobbies in a job interview? I realize that the applicant needs to meet the “real you” who cannot lie. This is especially important as they need to know that you would be a good fit for the position in terms of personality, as well as your skills and experience. While this question is about you as a person and you need to be honest, it’s also a great way to tip the scales in your favor, especially if you feel like you haven’t impressed the interviewer enough so far.

So when asked, you should not reply with answers like “I like to go shopping” Prayed My hobbies are sightseeing and window shopping”especially when the applicant applies for the position of secretary or “I like the party”,My hobbies are spending money playing poker online.“, I like to paint city, etc. When you apply for financing, this sounds ridiculous. I suggest avoiding such answers to the question and they will not paint you in the best light, so you should avoid anything that might be frowned upon or seen as something that could affect your performance at work like drinking or gambling as a bad habit. .

You should also avoid mentioning hobbies like “I like to ‘watch TV’, ‘listen to music’” or “keep fit”, “I like to cook”, these are generic and boring hobbies that do not really mean anything, do not add value for you as a candidate. Instead, you should mention good hobbies such as “I am involved in sports competitions ” or “I play soccer.” This is a good mention to promote your social skills with your prospective employer or “I play music or sing in a choir,” this is worth mentioning because it shows you work well within a team, customer-oriented. Results and a little love of competition are all positive workplace traits, so show that your hobbies show your dedication and self-discipline, rather than giving the impression that you just made up your hobbies on the spot.

In conclusion, you should mention your personal hobbies that show that you are serious about your professional development and these are all great ways to show that you are a perfect candidate – it is important that you show some personal hobbies that just give the interviewer an idea. honestly, and you should not dishonestly try to impress potential employers of him.

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