
Tech which makes Sense

Assuming you only have a couple of dumbbells, what exercises can you do for a full body workout? You can perform tons of exercises and combine them with bodyweight movements to see great results. Let’s go through the exercises first, then I’ll introduce you to the workout:


Dumbbell row – This is a chest and back exercise. Grab two dumbbells and assume the push-up position. And then do a push-up. Raise your back and then raise one hand up to your armpit. Make sure your back is straight. Try to stabilize the body. Come back and repeat. Then, do another repetition with the second hand. Pair it with a lower body upward bend.


Dumbbell Front Squat – See Saw Press – this is for the lower body and sloulders. Clean a pair of shoulder-length dumbbells. Then squat down keeping your back straight. Keep your chest out with your abs tight. Stand up and press the dumbbell overhead with the other hand bent slightly on the opposite side. Come back and repeat. Combine with the previous exercise to get a full benefit.


Close-grip dumbbell floor press – Lie down on the floor, lie down again. Place a pair of dumbbells close to your chest. Put the dumbbells together and press them over your head keeping them connected.


Body weight above chin-ups – Take a chin-up bar with mixed grip. Place your palms, each facing the opposite direction. Pull up until your chin clears the bar. After halfway through the game, change the grips.


Bodyweight knuckle push up – They are regular push-ups, done on the knuckles. Clench your fists and place them on the floor and perform push-ups. Try on a smoother surface first, ballast so your knuckles don’t hurt. Good for triceps and chest too.


Bodyweight Chin Up – Pull up with a grip such that both palms are facing you. Pull up until chin clears and repeat. Good for biceps too.


Dumbbell crunch – Get into the crunch position and hold one or two straight dumbbells in front of you and overhead. Perform crunches keeping the dumbbells in the same position.


Bodyweight Burpees Plus – squat down and put your hands in front. Kick your legs into a push-up position. Then make a position. Return to a squat position. Jump to the sky. Immediately lower yourself into a squat position when your feet touch the ground. To repeat.


A superset is where you pair two exercises and perform them one after the other with little to no rest between each set.

For the following pairs, perform sets of each exercise, followed by 30 seconds of rest between each pair.

Rest 1 minute, then move on to the next superset:

Superset n. 1:

  • Dumbbell pushup row, 3×10
  • Dumbbell front squat, 3×10
  • Rest 30 seconds

Rest 60 seconds

Superset n. 2:

  • Close-Grip Dumbbell Floor Press, 3×10
  • Bodyweight over chin-ups, 3×5
  • Rest 30 seconds

Rest 60 seconds

Superset n. 3:

  • Bodyweight Knuckle Push Up, 3×5
  • Bodyweight Chin Up, 3×3
  • Rest 30 seconds

Rest 60 seconds

Superset n. 4:

  • Dumbbell Crunch 3×10
  • Bodyweight Burpees Plus, 3×10
  • Rest 30 seconds

Go to cardio or collapse

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