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Christmas fundraisers are really fun. These types of high school fundraisers bring people tons of joy and excitement while also giving high schools the opportunity to earn the money they need. If you want to easily and quickly raise money this upcoming holiday season, take a look at the different high school fundraising ideas for holiday fairs in this article. The first fundraising idea you can try is the “Find The Lucky Stocking” game. This is a really simple yet fun and exciting game that young children will surely love playing at fairs. Basically this works similar to a treasure map theme. To carry it out effectively, it is necessary to mark a grid of squares on a piece of paper and place pictures of Christmas stockings on each of them. Your customers will choose a stocking and put their name on it. At the end of this event, whoever was able to choose the lucky sock will take home a nice prize. Be sure to establish which of the different socks is the lucky one beforehand. Also choose a beautiful prize so that you can attract many people to join your game. This theme can be carried out in a number of ways, such as by using lucky Santas, presents, and Rudolph’s reindeer.

The next theme you can try would be the “Find Santa” theme. With this fundraising idea, you need to have round cans or tubes, which you will use as chimneys. Make sure your chimney cauldrons are at least 15 centimeters long. Paint them to make them look authentic. Also, close the tops of your chimneys. You are going to need at least ten chimney pots. Place them on a tray with artificial snow. You can make your fake snow by crumpling up the white packing materials. On the other hand, you can also use cotton and other materials, which you think will look like real snow. Once you have your fake snow ready, you can now move on to attaching a toy Santa to one of your chimneys. In this game, you are going to charge your customers a fixed price so they can have a chance to guess which of your chimneys contains the hidden Santa Claus. If they get it right, they take home a prize. Like the “Find The Luck Stocking” theme, you also need to choose an attractive prize for this game so that it can attract many people to play.

The last idea I have for you in this article is “Ring Rodolfo’s nose”. To do this, you need to paint a picture of the head of Rudolph the reindeer on a 1 meter X 1 meter sheet of hardboard. After finishing painting the image, screw on a large red nose and a hook. Then make some small hoops by cutting rounds out of hardboard or using twisted wire and decorating with tinsel. Charge a fixed prize for your clients for 3 rings. You can win a prize if you can hook one of these to Rudolph’s nose.

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