
Tech which makes Sense

CIO Advisory

A strong cybersecurity culture is a complex process that requires significant time and commitment. It’s about embracing a proactive approach rather than responding to threats, and it involves everyone in the organization, not just IT teams. A CIO advisory can help to create a stronger culture of security awareness in the business, using a practical and strategic approach.

The first step is to make it clear that cyber threats are real and the impact of a breach can be severe. Cyber awareness campaigns that use figures and examples to demonstrate the impact of phishing attacks, password hacking, malware and other threats can help drive this home. The next step is to make sure the organisation is communicating effectively about these threats and what employees should do to protect themselves, including educating them on good cyberetiquette and how to spot suspicious emails.

Another way to reinforce the importance of cybersecurity is to make it part of employee evaluations. For example, at one insurance provider, if an employee failed a phishing test or fell short on other security-related criteria, it would be noted in their formal evaluations. This can go a long way to changing behaviors and creating a more resilient culture of cybersecurity awareness.

How a CIO Advisory Can Help in Creating a Culture of Cybersecurity Awareness

Many organisations are now implementing a strategy that makes it part of the job description for every member of staff to be aware of cybersecurity issues and how to protect themselves. They also ensure that there are mechanisms in place to support them if they are struggling. The best way to do this is to embed it within business processes so that the responsibilities are not limited to IT departments. This can have an extremely positive impact on the culture of an organisation, as it shows that everyone is involved in protecting data and ensuring the integrity of operations.

The need for a CIO advisory often arises when an existing IT function has struggled to adapt to the new demands of the business, or is not operating in a way that aligns with its overall objectives and values. A CIO advisor can assist in re-structuring the function so that it better reflects its current and future value to the business and help to rebuild confidence in the IT team. They are often business focussed individuals with a high level of technology capability and are experienced at promoting significant change across the wider organisation.

Creating a strong culture of cybersecurity awareness is a significant challenge that can take a lot of effort, but it is absolutely worth the investment as more and more businesses are becoming aware of how much they stand to lose from a serious breach. A strong cybersecurity culture can provide a powerful first line of defence in safeguarding against cyberattacks, so it’s important to be persistent and creative when driving these cultural changes across the business.

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