
Tech which makes Sense

The average statistical mother thinks that her baby differs from other children only by the number of small wrinkles on her wrists, the habit of not sleeping at night and screaming deafeningly during the day. The children, who sleep like tops and don’t scream, just shriek softly at times, become the object of general jealous envy. However, it’s not always a good thing for a baby to sleep a lot, and it’s not always a bad thing for a baby to scream loudly.

Dear parents, remember: during the first year of life the basis of the character and destiny of a future adult person is being formed. Therefore, it is very important to observe the development of your baby.


There is a whole section of psychology and a considerable area of ​​psychoanalysis, which are exceptionally devoted to the peculiarities of childhood. Experts advise paying attention to the following moments in your baby’s behavior.

1. The way she cries

Crying is a universal method of informing the baby of his needs, expressing his feelings, achieving a desired goal, and… ventilating his airways. The strength of the cry depends on the character of the baby, his psychic state and his physical development. The larger the volume of a baby’s lungs, the louder his cry. Premature babies, for example, don’t cry at all, they just squeak softly, like kittens.

2. The way you sleep

Pay attention to the duration of your baby’s sleep, the way he falls asleep and behaves when he wakes up. During day and night sleep, children gain strength and grow. During sleep, long-term memory neurons fix the impressions of the whole day and process the information received. The duration and character of sleep show the baby’s temperament.

1. Strong and balanced sanguine people sleep little and well.

2. Strong and irrepressible choleric subjects sleep little and badly.

3. Calm and lazy phlegmatic people sleep long and well.

4. Sensitive and delicate children with a weak type of nervous system sleep long and restlessly.

3. What or who do you prefer to watch

This can be some animated object: mother, father, some strange person; or inanimate object: magazine cover, toy, play of light and shadow on a wall. The television, showing some film, is the equivalent of a human being.

Sociable or highly emotional children prefer to look at people. Those confined from birth fix their gaze on some objects and on nature.

4. What do you like to play with?

The one who likes toys tends to think in a more standard way than the one who likes forbidden glasses or mobile phone.

Typology of babies


Cry loudly and emphatically. He falls silent as soon as he receives what he wants. He always fights for his goal: if he is hungry, you will not be able to distract him with a rattle, and if he wants to be held, he will be screaming until he is held. He sleeps late, he sleeps well, but little. He has an innate talent for training his parents: as soon as he receives the desired, he becomes sweet as an angel, sweetly blinks, and the mother with the father are ready to do everything to see this gentle expression on the little chubby of your baby. face. A future leader begins to smile early and fixes his gaze not on some objects, but on his relatives, on whom his well-being depends. He likes the company, but hates being held back for too long.

what you need

You need a careful and firm attitude. In no case break your individuality. Parents should encourage a baby’s good behavior, but not let him push himself, tear a book to pieces, or drop a toy.

And who will he become then?

Resolute, determined, persistent and active.

if everything goes wrong

Strict and stern parents, who suppress the independence of a future leader, will make a lone wolf pup or a broken and passive unlucky person. Too cuddly and allowing everything, parents will receive a high-quality home tyrant.

“A Closed Book”

It is quiet and comfortable in operation. He rarely cries, only in case of true physical need for hunger, thirst or stomach pains. He is sleeping almost always. The dream for him is often equivalent to a heartbreaking cry: not receiving the desired, he turns away, hoping that while he sleeps, the situation will change. After waking up, he lies quietly for a long time, he is interested in himself. It does not require parents to stay with it all the time. Since birth, he has been more attracted to a world of objects than a world of people. You can smile at a sparkling vase or a swaying branch, looking out the window. He treats all people with equal indifference, he is not afraid of anyone, he sits like a sack of flour in the hands of all adults, obedient and inert. He chooses a person from his village early on as his emotional channel of connection with the world, and many times this person is not his mother.

what you need

You should treat him with respect, without intruding on his inner world with kisses and noisy games. A mother must observe his peace, a father must explain things to him and protect him. It is good to introduce you to many different people to communicate with, so that you can choose a friend to your liking. The mother should not be jealous of him because of a nanny or grandmother. He loves his mother more, but is more comfortable with someone else.

And who will he become then?

Original and deep thinker, engineer or mathematician, chemist or programmer. As long as he is in trouble, he will always shrink back into his shell.

if everything goes wrong

An importunate mother hen, watching his every step, will turn him into a paranoid recluse. An indifferent one will become a boring loser or a misanthrope of it. A strict and “birch” mother will receive a cruel egoist, unable to sympathize with the anguish of others. An insensitive and emotional one will grow a rare fish.

“Fragile as Glass”

Often cries, calms down slowly, hiccups, sighs, and groans. He sleeps a lot, but always poorly, wakes up routinely and requires to be rocked and lulled to sleep. He can’t be alone for a moment, he likes company. Physical closeness with mother and father calms him down. Sometimes he can’t stand bright light, loud sounds, which shows his especially delicate nervous system. He carefully selects his people, some he may ask to hug him, others he may reject. What is interesting, very often it turns out that he does not like people who hide some hostile intentions towards their relatives.

what you need

It requires double care than other children. Adults should always respond to her crying. It is impossible to pamper or caress him – the more warmth he receives from people, the more stable and strong-willed he will become in the future.

And who will he become then?

A boy will become the dream of every woman – a strong and tender man. A girl will charm everyone with her docile, kind and stable character.

if everything goes wrong

If you start to show tenacity, thinking that a baby will cry and stop, you will become a nervous adult person, always offended and malicious. If you start scolding and punishing a child, you will make him a timid and passive person. And you will have to patronize him throughout his life.

“A Creative Personality”

He hates sleep, since sleep stops his activity of learning and creative transformation of the world. Doesn’t cry, moan or coo after waking up to get adults’ attention and make them come. He smiles at parents with joy, he likes different foreign objects more than simple toys. He begins to disassemble the objects around him before he begins to speak. Prefers communication at a distance: story, song or presence close to physical caress. He calms down with words, not with caresses. He laughs and gestures to attract the attention of other people to an object of his liking. At the age of 1, he begins to show monstrous obstinacy: give him or show him this.

what you need

You need to talk and explain everything to him, without thinking if he understands much.

And who will he become then?

Gifted, curious, life-loving, short-tempered and passionate.

if everything goes wrong

If you sharply suppress your attempts to reach and learn, try slapping, then depressed curiosity will turn into aggressiveness. By school age, a child will become an uncontrollable thug with little progress.

“Delicate like mimosa”

He cries in a thin, querulous voice and quickly shuts up. Such a baby has no powers to have his will, he screams until he is heard, and after 10 minutes of moaning, he disappears into nothingness out of hopeless despair and sleeps all day, as if under anesthesia, while his mother lies awake. brags. of your wonderful quiet child to his friends. He starts to smile late, freezes in the hugs of the mother or father in perfect happiness, and is often taken by his parents for a “closed book” and left alone. However, a “picky” baby is not interested in objects, nature and their own ideas of the world. Instead of playing with a rattle or a pyramid, he examines his hands, looks for a mirror and a television. He needs people. He is shy and does not have the persevering seduction of a “leader” or the hysterical obstinacy of a creative personality, he does not shrink into his shell until better times, like a “closed book” does, and he does not win over adults by showing them a love bustling. , as does a “fragile” baby. He is more helpless than other children, incredibly sensitive, shy; it suffers and stops developing without adult attention.

what you need

He needs a lot of external manifestation of love, touches, constant presence in his field of vision. A mother should think carefully about who will keep a baby if she decides to go back to work.

And who will he become then?

They can become extremely talented musicians, designers, teachers, brave defenders of all the weak and miserable.

if everything goes wrong

Even loving parents, but not realizing the full degree of delicacy of a child’s nature, can suppress a baby’s talents and contribute to his becoming a sickly hypochondriac or a klutz with zero self-evaluation.

Your baby is not afraid of anyone and agrees to go to the hands of all strangers

The first variant, at one year: your baby is probably still very small. Children begin to react to their own and strangers from 6-8 months.

The second variant: a baby is so used to bathing in the kindness and attention of other people, that he loves everyone. However, he loves his people more anyway, and being in the hands of strangers, he becomes restless and looks for parents.

The third variant, sad: he has so little love and attention from adults that he is ready to catch up with everyone who smiles at him. A baby does not distinguish its own from strangers. This is a state, typical of boarding school babies.

The way to understand that a baby feels stress, not just play

1. He is crying all the time, all day.

2. Your sleep pattern has suddenly changed, you sleep less, or a lot more, or worse now.

3. Stops doing what he could, no longer smiles, does not want to hold his head, sit or rattle, play hide-and-seek or stand up.

4. Does not smile or laugh.

5. Refuses to eat.

6. The layout appears on your body.

If your baby has even one of these suspicious symptoms, show it to the podiatrist.

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