
Tech which makes Sense

Have you ever noticed that there are times when no matter what you do will fail, while at other times everything you do will succeed? Spiritual Life coaches and astrologers use this information to help their clients find the best time to progress toward their life goals. This article focuses on training your own mind to be happy. The training begins with a walk on the beach. Have you ever tried to walk barefoot to the edge of an ocean, your feet just touching the water, preferably at sunset, look towards the horizon just where the ocean meets the sky? For most of us, it’s a little harder to get upset, worried, or angry about that situation. Have you wondered why? in spiritual life coaching this is an important element.

The magic of midpoints The answer is very simple. Peace is at the transition point. Therefore, the most magical times are autumn and spring. When you are at the edge of the ocean, you are right at the point of contact between the element of water and the element of earth. The horizon is relaxing because there is the meeting point between the air element (sky) and the water element (sea). Sunset and sunrise are the transition point between day and night. These opposing energies in Chinese Taoism are called Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang have specific polar attributes, like the sun and moon, masculine and feminine, active and passive. Transition points are connection points between Yin and Yang. In Sanskrit, the ancient language of India, it was called “Madiamika” – the middle point (or “shunyata” – “0”). Yogis have found that this transition point is the best time to connect with the present moment and to go into meditation.

A tantric secret in Genesis To emphasize my point, I’ll use a story that we all know. “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth, and chaos was on the earth and darkness was on the abyss” In Kabala, the mystical tradition of Judaism, chaos is not a bad thing. In reality, heaven and earth were still united at the end of the first day. The first day was considered a day of grace (“Chesed”). Only on the second day, God had separated heaven and earth. This was an act of judgment (“din”). The second day was the only day that God did not conclude by saying “it is good.” (“Ki tov”) That day is the origin of human problems. Most of the time, we feel just ourselves. In reality what we feel is separation. The separate energy of Yin and Yang, masculinity or femininity, is always dominant. Sometimes we are active and dominant; sometimes, we are a breather and passive… etc. When one energy is dominant, there is always a restlessness, a longing to be whole, that is lacking in the other type. When we feel the lack of something, it is more difficult to be present in the moment. Then it is much more difficult to recognize our basic fundamental integrity. This totality exists only an inch below our ever restless thought processes.

The big question in Tantra is how to reach the state where both opposites are neutralized. How can we remain in a state that is neither Yin nor Yang, but encompasses both? The answer is really quite simple: walk barefoot on the beach, preferably at sunset, holding hands with someone of the opposite sex. No one said that everything has to be difficult in life…

transition magic points These magical transition points are happening everywhere. The most notable transition point occurs in time, space, breath, and sexuality. Have you ever noticed that there are times when no matter what you do will fail, while at other times everything you do will succeed? Spiritual life coaches and astrologers use this information to help their clients find the best time to progress toward their life goals. This article focuses on training your own mind to be happy. The training begins with a walk on the beach. Have you ever tried to walk barefoot to the edge of an ocean, your feet just touching the water, preferably at sunset, look towards the horizon just where the ocean meets the sky? For most of us, it’s a little harder to get upset, worried, or angry about that situation. Have you wondered why? The magic of midpoints The answer is very simple. Peace is at the transition point. Therefore, the most magical times are autumn and spring. When you are at the edge of the ocean, you are right at the point of contact between the element of water and the element of earth. The horizon is relaxing because there is the meeting point between the air element (sky) and the water element (sea). Sunset and sunrise are the transition point between day and night. These opposing energies in Chinese Taoism are called Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang have specific polar attributes, like the sun and moon, masculine and feminine, active and passive. Transition points are connection points between Yin and Yang. In Sanskrit, the ancient language of India, it was called “Madiamika” – the middle point (or “shunyata” – “0”). Yogis have found that this transition point is the best time to connect with the present moment and to go into meditation. A Tantric Secret in Genesis To emphasize my point, I’ll use a story we all know. “In the beginning, god created heaven and earth, and chaos was on the earth and darkness was on the abyss” In Kabala, the mystical tradition of Judaism, chaos is not a bad thing. In reality, heaven and earth were still united at the end of the first day. The first day was considered a day of grace (“Chesed”). Only on the second day, God had separated heaven and earth. This was an act of judgment (“din”). The second day was the only day that God did not conclude by saying “it is good.” (“Ki tov”) That day is the origin of human problems. Most of the time, we feel just ourselves. In reality what we feel is separation. The separate energy of Yin and Yang, masculinity or femininity, is always dominant. Sometimes we are active and dominant; sometimes, we are a breather and passive… etc. When one energy is dominant, there is always a restlessness, a longing to be whole, that is lacking in the other type. When we feel the lack of something, it is more difficult to be present in the moment. Then it is much more difficult to recognize our basic fundamental integrity. This totality exists only an inch below our ever restless thought processes.

The big question in Tantra is how to reach the state where both opposites are neutralized. How can we remain in a state that is neither Yin nor Yang, but encompasses both? The answer is really quite simple: walk barefoot on the beach, preferably at sunset, holding hands with someone of the opposite sex. No one said that everything has to be difficult in life…

transition magic points These magical transition points are happening everywhere. The most notable transition point occurs in time, space, breath, and sexuality.

In the space In space, these points are where different elements meet. In the mountains, the earth meets the sky; at the seashore, water meets land; At volcanic mountains, viewpoints, and hot springs, fire meets earth and sometimes water.

On time Transition points in time occur every sunrise and sunset (when day and night meet), at the seasonal equinox and solstice (when the seasons meet). The entire field of Indian “murati” astrology and Western “electional” astrology aims to find that point. On the breath On the breath, this cycle also happens. The inhalation is Yang while the exhalation is Yin. Breathing through the left nostril generates Yin energy, while breathing through the right nostril generates Yang energy. The gap between the exhalation and inhalation and the gap between the inhalation and exhalation are considered magical transition points. Special meditation in Tantra that focuses on these magical transition points.

Another point of magical balance occurs when the breath through both nostrils is exactly the same. Control your breathing and you will find that the left or right nostril is more open. This affects our energy balance. When the left is open, we are receptive and mental; when the right is active, we are active and physical. Every day there is a brief transition between the left breath to the right and vice versa. Right now we feel very balanced and present. There are special breathing techniques in yoga that aim to achieve the perfect balance between right and left nostril breathing. These techniques force the transition point in our body, and are considered excellent preparation for meditation.

in sex Sexual union also offers a special balance point. This happens when the masculine masculine energy flows into the feminine and the feminine feminine energy flows into the man. At a certain moment they reach a perfect balance. This is a magical moment where opposites come together and we want to stay in it as long as possible. At the point of sexual transition, we feel tremendous bliss, peace, and connection to inner stillness. It doesn’t always have to be full sexual contact; at some point, holding your lover’s hand or looking into his eyes may be enough.

The moment of orgasm The moment of orgasm is the most powerful midpoint that we can experience unless we are very skilled in meditation. At this time the masculine and feminine energies are in complete alchemical union within our body. This creates a burst of cold fusion energy within our system that expresses itself as waves of pleasure. This experience can be so powerful that the limited limits of our ego can temporarily drop and we feel expansion. This is what the French call “la petit murat”, the little death. Orgasm is for some, the only moment when God thinks about saying, “Oh my God.” The orgasm is the closest human experience to Samadhi, the mystical union to which yoga aims; a state of perfect happiness and unity. The famous Indian guru “bagawan sri ragnish” better known as Osho has called “samadi” a cosmic orgasm. It’s like taking the orgasm and multiplying it a thousand times, one can understand what “Saturday” is. The orgasm is, in fact, a gateway to “Saturday”. Many of the tantric sexual practices aim to increase the time of orgasm, so it can be the subject of meditation. For most of us it is too short to be used for meditation. In the West, this knowledge is often used just for fun. The traditional tantric system passed on this knowledge only to advance disciples with a pure spiritual purpose.

Conclusion The best place to be is on the beach at sunset holding your lover’s hand, did I say something new here? The tantric tradition affirms that we can be in that inner state at any given moment. For this, our masculine and feminine energies must be balanced. This is a delicate inner state that can be achieved through meditation and yoga. Spiritual life coaching uses the wisdom of those traditions to raise your level of happiness.

You don’t have to be at the beach to feel joy and peace. There is a great tantric text called “Vijnana Birava Tantra” – this text shows dozens of techniques to find the “madiayama”, transition points. This wonderful text shows that music, surprise, pain, fear, and pleasure can all be used for meditation. In the meantime, we can stand on the shore and let our feet touch the water.

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