
Tech which makes Sense

We all have stressful lives because stress is a normal part of life. Stress keeps us alert and motivates us to keep going. This is to be expected, but when stress grows out of control, the body often experiences stress reactions. This includes anxiety, panic attacks, fatigue, and exhaustion. Being aware of the body’s stress reactions helps us recognize when it is time to reject the urge to try too hard and begin to nourish ourselves more. Look at anxiety reactions as red flags, warning one to slow down, moderate, and nurture.

Here is a list of anxiety symptoms or warning signs that warn you to slow down:

Racing heart or palpitations




Racing thoughts


Lack of appetite

Feelings of doom

Naturally, it is best to rule out any physical reasons for these symptoms before assuming they are strictly related to anxiety.

Most believe that these feelings arise out of nowhere, but this is not the case. Much depends on your perspective and how you are thinking. If you perceive the world as a dangerous place, your thoughts often turn negative and fearful.

Fearful thoughts fuel bodily reactions. They often start with “what if” and release adrenaline in response to negative thinking. Adrenaline causes the heart to race, dizziness, and other feelings of anxiety. Small adrenaline rushes throughout the day cause a body that is shaky, hyperactive, or what we call sensitization.

A sensitized body begins with a thought. It all starts with a thought. Once you learn to change the way you think, you have succeeded in breaking the cycle of anxiety. It’s basically the cycle of fear, adrenaline, and fear. Once understood and corrected, life returns to normal. You are no longer a victim of anxiety reactions.

Recovery process

– Recognize your thoughts- Be aware of your inner dialogue. How many times do you start sentences with “what if” and think in fear? Remind: Fear releases adrenaline that fuels anxiety. The thoughts of “what if” are fearful and release adrenaline.

Don’t run away from the symptoms If you experience anxiety symptoms, let them be there without changing them. Once you run away from them or try to stop them, you are feeding them. This is a paradox. Do the opposite and they will melt.

Remind: The symptoms will stop instantly without fear fueling them.

To breathe- No more holding your breath or breathing too much in fear. Slow down your breathing and everything will return to normal.

Remind: Dizziness and lightheadedness are the result of overbreathing or holding your breath.

Let it go- Release the strong grip you have on yourself and focus on the moment. Get lost in whatever you are doing. You are not sick. Anxiety is just the result of the terrible label you are putting on life.

Remind: It’s okay to be cautious, but it’s also okay to have fun. Let go of the habit of viewing life as dangerous.

Basically, you have full control over how you feel. Anxiety symptoms are bothersome but not dangerous. Change the way you think and you have succeeded in changing the way you feel. This is simple, effective, and without side effects, adverse reactions, or withdrawal symptoms, as many experience with the use of medications.

You are not sick. Anxiety is basically a learned behavior that you can easily unlearn.

Each and every anxiety symptom has a logical explanation and can be reversed. Never forget this, even if a new symptom appears. They often come in cycles, but once you realize this fact and how to interrupt them, you are back in charge of your life. You are no longer a victim of anxiety symptoms. It is time to move on and view life as an enjoyable adventure rather than a dangerous experience.

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