
Tech which makes Sense

Thanksgiving Day allows us to reflect on the many blessings that God gives us. Thanksgiving often conjures up images of family and friends gathered around a festive feast. Wouldn’t it be great if we could capture that nostalgic Norman Rockwell kind of familiar Thanksgiving in our scrapbooks? Even if he’s not around the table with his loved ones, he can still create a wonderful Thanksgiving scrapbook page. Check out these tips to try in your design this year.

* Seize the moment for your scrapbook If you have the opportunity to have your family and/or friends sit around a table, take some photos. If you have a digital camera, do it. Take a lot of pictures. Choose the best one and enlarge it (5×7) or even (8×10). The big, bold photo can become the focal point of your design. To draw even more attention to your special photo, try tinting it and placing it a bit off-center in your design.

* Create your own family/friends dinner scenes for layouts If you’re like me, sometimes you’re not with your family on Thanksgiving, don’t worry! If you have a photo of a time when your family is sitting around the table, use that. The main theme should focus on being grateful for the people you love.

* Place individual photos of your loved ones on a page Under each photo write a concept about that person that makes you appreciate them. For example, the attention of her husband, the humor of her son, the consideration of her sister, the kindness of her mother, etc.

* Journal your attitude of gratitude As you get older, you’ve probably become more aware of God’s presence in your life, as well as the blessings he gives us on a daily basis. Many things we take for granted every day. Our cool water to drink, warm bubble baths, microwaved food to zap, cell phones to keep up with loved ones. Think about it, if you are reading this be thankful that you can see and that you have the ability to read. Think about the things you are grateful for, write them down, and share your thoughts in your scrapbook.

* Write a Bible verse on your design When you place a Bible verse next to a photo of a loved one, chances are he or she will read the verse. Who knows how God will use it? You can use something simple like: “We give thanks…” Colossians 1:3 (New King James Version) Another good verse you might like to use: “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.” Philippians 1:3 (The New Living Translation)

* Beautify your scrapbook layout. Use any type of scrapbooking supplies that fit your Thanksgiving theme. They can be crosses, turkeys or pilgrims. Just make sure it’s scrapbook-safe or acid and/or lignin free. For some really cool embellishments, check out your local specialty scrapbooking stores and online stores.

* Write a prayer from your heart Tell God how much you appreciate what He has brought into your life.

And now I would like to say a prayer that I wrote for you.

Dear God,

I ask you to be with the one who is reading this. As this Faithbooker reflects on life’s moments, would you remind him of the times he’s been there to comfort, support, or encourage you? Heavenly Father, please guide and inspire him to scrapbook the Thanksgiving message that comes from within.

Lord, put power on every page of the Book of Faith so that it reaches the hearts of loved ones now and touches those of future generations. God, thank you for my reader. Bless this Faithbooker with special creativity and inspiration. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I ask you to Answer this prayer.


As you create your design, say thank you prayers. Ask God to allow your feelings of gratitude to pass from generation to generation.

Blessings as your Scrapbook Thanksgiving!


(c) 2009 scrapbook Your Christian Faith and Donna Riner Weber

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