
Tech which makes Sense

In the future, war criminals will not be able to flee and will have nowhere to hide. Consider whether you want all the cameras in town, CCTV in stores, facial recognition systems at airports, toll booths, bus stations, etc., not to mention the reality that everyone has one or two digital cameras or sources. video on your smartphones or tablets. Okay, let’s discuss all of this for a moment, because I think war criminals won’t be able to live happily ever after after they’ve committed their atrocities against humanity.

DARPA sponsored a contest for Internet users to find where they placed the red balloons across the country, and the crowdsourced exercise yielded phenomenal and fast results. All the balloons were found within 24 hours, incredible. Similarly, it’s amazing how well Amber Alerts for kidnapped and missing children or even the FBI Most Wanted list works, people see and report. Today, with all the personal technology devices, it would be hard to hide anywhere in the world without being seen or given away.

There was an interesting article recently in Fast Company on May 31, 2011 titled “Catching Balkan War Criminals Digitally” by Neal Ungerleider which said in the headline; “An ambitious effort to digitize 300 years of Serbian military records has led to the indictment of more than a dozen war criminals and the discovery of unidentified mass graves.” – and after reading that I was reminded of the recent capture of Ratko Mladic.

In fact, based on the comments I’ve made above and the reality that everyone now has an iPad, iPhone, smartphone, or some other personal technological device, it would seem like it would be next to impossible for someone to hide and get away with it. in the future without getting caught. I mean, where on the planet could they hide? In a million dollar compound in Pakistan, in a cave or in a log cabin in the woods?

How far would they have to go to avoid capture and really for how long since they would be incarcerated at that point and what is the point of living life in self-exile without ever having to go anywhere? You can easily see that the odds are so stacked against such individuals, that it could serve to unearth such crimes in the future, especially if all those on the run are caught and brought to justice. Please consider all this.

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