
Tech which makes Sense

Are you the type of girl who thinks she’s met Mr. Right only to find out after a short time that he’s actually Mr. Wrong? Do you have trouble deciding if what you feel is true love or just a crush? Would you like to learn how to tell the difference so you can stop wasting time on dead end romances? If you’re wondering why things start out so good that you’re sure it has to be true love, only to be disappointed over and over again, maybe you need to check your love meter and get things on the right track.

Cruel cruel crush

It can be confusing to tell the difference between true love and infatuation because both can have the same effect on you when you are in the first bloom of a relationship. You are totally attracted to him. Your heart beats faster and you feel warm inside when you think of him. His kiss turns you on and makes you want to be with him even more. It is quite normal to experience these feelings at first, whether it is love or not.

The difference comes when you get past the chemistry and see what’s underneath. If things start to look a little less bright and shiny, your love meter may be trying to send you a warning message. You need to learn to listen to these messages because you know in the pit of your stomach and in the back of your mind when things are right and when they are not.

stop ignoring the signs

Until now, the problem has been that you have ignored these memos from yourself. You have to stop ignoring them because if you don’t, the only person you’re fooling is yourself. Have you ever found yourself trying to convince your best friend that this new man in your life is the right one? Of course, you know that he is not really your friend, who has to be convinced, right?

Keep in mind the most important things

Okay, let’s say he makes the first cut and you’re feeling hopeful that this might be “the one.” Before he locks up his heart and throws away the key, he must take things to the next level and get to know him well enough to see if they are compatible. Don’t take it lightly because if you plan to spend your life with someone, you better share many of the same values ​​and goals. Otherwise, at least one of you is not going to be very happy.

For example, if you want the house in the subdivision, the great job, and the two kids, and he doesn’t even have a full-time job and thinks renting an apartment in the middle of town is perfect, your relationship is headed for hard times. That’s why it’s so important to take the time to get to know yourself before getting too seriously involved. Even true love will not survive some obstacles.

There is a big difference between true love and falling in love. You can fall in love without really loving him, but true love is much more than just attraction.

Do you want to do a quick love test? Then I’d love to help you!

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