
Tech which makes Sense

If you’re reading this, then I hope your mom is one of those people who has a real Merry christmas I’m not saying Christmas is all about the gifts… I’m just saying that when mom realizes you put a lot of thought into finding the perfect gift for her, her heart will warm.

Let’s be honest. We’ve all received rotten presents on Christmas morning. Rotten gifts suck! Done, I said it…and if you remember that morning when you eagerly ripped the wrapping paper off your present only to find a thrift sweater straight from your neighborhood thrift store, then you wouldn’t dare disagree. Here are 5 reasons why you should start thinking about 2007 Christmas gifts for mom right now:

There is an overabundance of great quality gifts available now that won’t be available at the end of November and December.

Are you one of those people who waits every year to find deeply discounted gifts at the end of the holiday shopping season? Well, I’m not going to lie and tell you that those offers don’t exist. What I am going to do is ask you to ponder this question with the confidence that you will be able to find the answer for yourself: Why are these potential freebies still available during the busiest trading period of the year, and why are they being deeply discounted? Hmm

For those of you shopping on a budget, this is a great time to find deals that won’t be available as consumer desperation levels rise at the end of the holiday shopping season.

As long as you’re not looking to buy mom “back to school supplies,” August and September may be the best months to find high-quality gifts at a fair price.

Do you think mom is really going to tell you what she wants?

Getting mom to really admit that she wants a gift can be like pulling her teeth out. Moms are always great at giving, but when it comes time to think about themselves for a minute, they seem to shut down. That’s why I recommend “watching and watching” rather than “asking” mom what she wants. Here’s a quick example: Mom was still clinging to her VCR and watching movies and her soap operas in extremely poor quality. I watched her as she struggled to make the image a little clearer. Now, she would NEVER have asked for a DVR (digital video recorder). However, after I set it up for her and showed her how easy it was to use…she was in heaven! She would never have asked for a gift like this. I got the idea from observation. So she starts watching now!

Don’t get caught empty-handed on Christmas morning!

For those who plan to buy gifts online, heed this advice! There are plenty of last-minute orders online, and almost everyone wants their gifts delivered before Christmas. Due to all the pandemonium, mistakes can be made with your items and your order may not be completed on time because there are not enough employees to deal with the overorders. This has happened to me more than once in the past few years and it never feels right to tell someone they’ll get their gift in a week or two when everyone else has theirs. Don’t do this to mom please!

Enjoy a relaxing vacation and spend more quality time with mom.

ok…. I admit it. I have been guilty of this crime more than once. I procrastinated until the last minute and spent much of the time leading up to Christmas running around like a chicken with its head lopped off. Since everyone else is visiting and spending quality time together, I’m nowhere to be seen as I frantically make the rounds of the mall. Last year I finished my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving and felt an overwhelming sense of PEACE as the holiday approached. I also had more time to do “fun stuff” with Mom and the rest of the family.

This holiday season, I hope these ideas help you bring some joy to mom in the form of a fabulous Christmas gift and also in the form of quality time you will get to spend with mom over the holidays as you start shopping for that gift. from mom. gift now. Good luck and have a wonderful Christmas 2007!

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