
Tech which makes Sense

Yeast is a type of fungus that can normally be present on the skin. The specific type of yeast that causes many diseases in humans is Candida albicans. This is a normal flora, mainly showing its presence in the moist areas of human skin such as armpits, mouth, groin, sexual organs (both in men and women) and the crease of the buttocks. It is seen that 20-50% of any normal healthy woman carries yeast in her vaginal area.

Candidiasis or thrush may be localized to the skin, or there may be a severe systemic infection in patients with reduced immunity. These patients often suffer from AIDS, cancer, or cancer patients receiving chemotherapy drugs.

It is estimated that almost 75% of the female population will suffer from vaginal yeast infection at some point in their lives. This is again exacerbated by a previous or secondary bacterial infection like gonorrhea and protozoan infection like Trichomonas. Some external irritants such as douching or internal hormonal disorders disrupt the normal vaginal flora and there is an excessive production of acid-producing bacteria such as lactobacilli. Regular intake of oral pills, pregnancy, stress, vaginal sex immediately after anal sex, and lubricants for private parts that contain glycerin are some factors that predispose to vaginal yeast infection.

Men can also suffer from genital yeast infection. The causes are dirty foreskin, having excessive anal sex, and not cleaning yourself after that.

Oral candidiasis can occur in immunocompromised patients. This can also be transmitted to anyone if they engage in oral sex with the infected partner. Longstanding diabetes is one of the major contributing factors to oral thrush.

The use of antibiotics and steroids (which reduce immunity) are the two most common causes of candidiasis of the oral cavity and private parts due to indiscriminate use by doctors and also healers. To kill this offending fungus, we need some medications called antifungal agents. Diflucan is one of them.

Diflucan, or scientifically known as fluconazole, is an antifungal agent related to imidazole that shows primary fungistatic (inhibiting fungal growth) action. But in higher concentrations, Diflucan can also act as a fungicidal agent (kill fungus). It helps to destroy the cytoplasmic membrane of the fungus and fungal growth is retarded.

Diflucan bioavailability is not affected by the presence of food in the stomach. After absorption, it quickly shows its presence in the skin, tears, and urine. Concentrations here are at least 10 times higher than in sputum, saliva, and vaginal fluid. This describes the excretory process of Diflucan through urine and sweat. This is the reason why Diflucan is preferred by doctors who treat cases of cutaneous and vaginal candidiasis.

Patients with irregular heartbeat and liver disease should not take Diflucan as there may be an aggravation of the problem. Although Diflucan is generally well tolerated, people may experience nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea infrequently.

The main complications of Diflucan are decreased urine output, ulcerative condition of the lips and gums (Steven-Johnson syndrome). The presence of Diflucan is seen in breast milk, so lactating mothers should not take this medication. Diflucan can lead to fetal malformations, therefore pregnant mothers and those planning to have a baby in the near future should avoid using Diflucan.

Diflucan is a good medication for yeast infection, but the side effects are the limiting factors for the wide use of this medication.

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