
Tech which makes Sense

Games have always been popular with people, ever since cavemen are said to have invented football many thousands of years ago.

This continued to be the case, especially during the 1990s, when computer-based game consoles began to appear, most notably the Sony PlayStation and the Sega Megadrive.

This paved the way for new game consoles with better graphics and more advanced features, which is what we are left with today.

Until now, all of this was possible without the continuous need for an internet connection, but this looks set to change in the next year or two, as Microsoft is rumored to have said that the next Xbox will be virtually inoperable unless constantly plugged in. on a broadband Internet connection.

This would seem to raise the possibility of gamers avoiding buying new consoles for this reason and sticking with old ones, especially people who have limited or even no internet access.

While in today’s world this may seem like an unlikely problem, there are still large parts of this planet that still don’t have fixed internet access, and access to games is somewhat unreliable via satellite connections.

Furthermore, for those people who decide to buy a future game console, it creates a future risk of inoperability, partly due to the fact that, despite its enormous capacity, the Internet has limitations.

This fact has recently been demonstrated by the lack of new IP addresses (unique Internet connection identifiers) that can now be assigned to connections.

On the plus side, the lack of interest in future games may result in a boost to the second-hand game market, especially for timeless classics that can be played over and over again.

Also, if we go by social networking sites, there may be a time in the future when the demand for game consoles decreases to a great extent. This is because large numbers of games are played through web browsers rather than physical gaming devices.

The reason why demand for physical consoles is unlikely to drop to zero is due to the fact that an increasing number of games require additional physical controllers in order to play.

A notable example of this is the Nintendo Wii console, which has game-specific controllers that can be attached to a console to enhance the overall gaming experience.

In general, it would seem that the future of gaming has more or less the same number of positives and negatives, depending on which side the issue is considered.

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