
Tech which makes Sense

The words we use determine how we feel about something.

If you don’t believe it, what is the feeling you get when you hear the word “work”?

Perhaps there are some people who get giddy with joy when they think of “work.” But more likely, you’ll register your feelings somewhere on the negative end of the emotional continuum at the mention of the word.

Unfortunately, “HOMES” is the word usually assigned to school work (that word again!) that students do at home. Compared to playing and watching TV, homework is often a chore that kids don’t want to do. And when you look back on your own experience with the school, you may secretly agree.

So what can we do to change the perception of doing homework from a negative connotation to something we do simply to get ready for school? Changing the word we use is perhaps a good first step.

Here are some suggestions.

  • How about replacing “homework” with classic words like: “lessons” or “studies” or “exercises” or “practice” or “preparation” or…??
  • Or perhaps invite the children to join in the semantic challenge. Let them get creative and come up with a new word for this important (and frequent) educational process. Make up a new word that makes you laugh, like I’m gonna go do my blooper-belly-fish“.
  • Maybe you can rephrase it to I’m going to spend “quality time” with my math books..

Another added benefit of this word challenge exercise is that you will be able to start a conversation with your children about how they feel about homework, school, education, their teachers, etc. When you talk to your children about their school experience, you’ll discover ways you can help them be more successful, get better grades, and feel brave and challenged.

When you change the way you think about something (by changing the words you use), it automatically changes the way you feel about it. Try it!

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