
Tech which makes Sense

I love to draw cars, it’s a great feeling to see one of your drawings that looks real on a piece of paper. But my drawings looked terrible until I found a guide on how to draw a car step by step. If she’s ever sat down and looked at one of her drawings and saw shaky lines, poor proportions, and something that doesn’t deserve to be labeled a car, then I have some advice for you!

Now I am not going to reveal all the secrets that I learned in the how to draw a car step by step guide, but I will tell you one of the processes that I use now.

1. Draw side view

Create a side view of the car you want to draw. Take your time with this because it will be the basis of your drawing, if there is something wrong here it will be hard to fix later. Use a light pencil, take your time and be patient. Even professionals take their time to create great drawings!

2. Project perspective

Now pick a point on the page that you want to use as your perspective. Project lines from all points in your side view, such as the corners and notches of the body. Make sure these lines are straight, use a ruler and a light pencil once again.

3. Create a 3D view

At this point, you’ll choose a distance from the side view along your projected lines to start drawing the perspective view. It should look like a copy of your side view, which has been scaled down a bit. Once again, take your time and make sure you get it right.

4. Connect the dots!

Obviously you will now draw the lines between the two side views of your car. Just like connecting the dots! Now add all the little details of structure that you can. Then we get to the hard part…


This step is the most time-consuming part of the step-by-step instructions for drawing a car, depending on how good you want it to look. You’ll need to use a variety of different pencils to achieve the contrast of tones needed to get a nice metallic look. To fully understand this, I suggest you go outside and look at how the light plays on the cars and imagining it in black and white. Apply this to your drawings and it will be easier to consider what your car should look like. Remember to leave the highlights of your car unshaded to use the natural white of the paper to create that bright look.

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