
Tech which makes Sense

With an increasing number of children diagnosed with ADHD and more horror stories appearing in the news regarding prescription ADHD medications, more parents than ever are looking for alternative options.

Such options could include things like behavior modification therapy, homeopathic remedies, and specially designed diets. While there is still much controversy regarding the effects that diet can have on children with ADHD, most experts agree that diet certainly can and does play a role. It has also been established that certain things, such as some artificial flavoring agents and artificial coloring agents, tend to make ADHD symptoms and behaviors worse.

High-sugar diets, for example, can cause hyperactivity in children, whether they have ADHD or not. As such, it makes sense for kids with ADHD to stay away from high-sugar foods. Of course, as you’ve no doubt already figured out, keeping a child on a low-sugar diet is easier said than done and, in fact, requires a great deal of effort, both from parents and anyone else involved. I’m doing it. responsible for caring for children with this condition.

So if children with ADHD can suffer as a result of certain foods, what kind of diet should they follow? If you search online, you’ll find countless recommendations, but most health experts agree that foods rich in DHA (an Omega-3 fatty acid) should definitely be given top priority. An added bonus is that parents can also benefit from these foods, as they are renowned for their ability to fight the signs of aging.

Generally speaking, fish, flaxseeds, and many different nuts are excellent sources of DHA. Lately we have also seen the arrival on the market of “Hi-DHA” eggs. All DHA contains DHA, but these contain more than average for the type of specialized diet egg-producing hens are fed.

Foods containing a wide range of B vitamins are also known to be beneficial for people with ADHD. Fortunately, B vitamins are present in many foods, as long as a varied diet is emphasized. Good vitamin B foods include live meat, beef, fish, green leafy vegetables, etc.

I’ve only covered the basics in the paragraphs above, but again, it was never my intention to provide the ideal diet for ADHD. There is a huge amount of information available on the internet and at the end of the day a lot will depend on how dedicated the parents are. In my opinion, being able to avoid prescription ADHD medications is worth any amount of dedication. A proper diet may not be a magic bullet, but it can definitely make a parent’s job a lot easier.

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