
Tech which makes Sense

Business leaders strive to understand their environments to develop strategies that improve their organization’s performance and maintain their competitive edge. The increasing complexity, pace, and multitude of challenges and opportunities facing organizations today create ever-increasing needs for innovation, automation, and the ability to derive value from data to remain agile and flexible and be able to take Quickly take smart risks in today’s changing markets.

VUCA is an acronym borrowed from military terminology, gaining popularity in business strategic leadership theory in the 1990s. The term stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. It stands for 4 different challenges that demand 4 different modes of response, and serves to describe the complexity of strategic decision making in operational environments that organizational leaders face.

Volatility means the need for an organization to have the agility and flexibility to act quickly and position itself where it needs to be for maximum impact in turbulent and rapidly changing environments. This challenge is overcome with organizational vision, solid values ​​and a healthy culture.

Uncertainty characterizes the lack of predictability and the possibility of surprise in changing markets. The US military calls cyberspace the “fifth domain,” after air, land, sea and space. The most successful companies are those that can gain a decisive advantage in this fifth domain, by extracting value from their data, giving them a significant advantage in achieving maneuverability, ensuring agility, and keeping the organization agile. “Uncertainty is addressed through constant knowledge creation,” says Simon Carpenter, director of customer support at SAP Africa.

Complexity illustrates the myriad of challenges, chaos, confusion, and complications facing business leaders today, especially multinational organizations with multiple products in multiple markets dealing with unique cultural values, differing compliance regulations and regulatory bodies in the countries in which they operate. According to Carpenter, the strategic solution to complexity may not always be a naive approach to simplicity, but rather requires a more nuanced strategy based on a framework in which much can be done to profoundly simplify IT, “by moving much of With the IT workload in the cloud we can unlock scarce IT resources to drive innovation within the business. We may not want to be too simple, but using today’s technologies to consolidate resources introduces greater efficiency to the business.” .

Ambiguity, which Wikipedia classifies in the VUCA model as “the confusion of reality, the potential for misreadings, and the mixed meanings of conditions; confusion of cause and effect,” basically characterizes a lack of clarity in the conceptualization of threats. organizations and opportunities before advancing to fatal levels. A strategic solution to ambiguity is clarity, achieved in large part by extracting value from data to drive environmental positioning toward the desired vantage point.

In his blog series, the late former US Army Colonel Eric Kail outlined the following adaptive leadership tactics for operating in a VUCA world:

For volatile situations…

  • communicate clearly
  • Make sure your intention is understood

For uncertain situations…

  • Get a new perspective
  • Be flexible

For Complex Situations…

  • Develop collaborative leaders
  • Stop looking for permanent solutions

For ambiguous situations…

  • Listen well
  • think divergently
  • Set up incremental dividends

While Colonel Kail’s advice was built within the context of small unit combat activities in the military, it is easily convertible into applications for organizations of all sizes.

Phil Jones, currently serving as Associate Vice Chancellor at UNC Charlotte after a 29-year career as an Engineering Officer in the US Army and retiring as a Colonel, explains, “There’s an old Army saying: ‘A plan never survives first contact.’ Especially true in a VUCA world. Being flexible and adaptable is critical. Using the interrelational considerations described in the VUCA model, strategic leaders can proactively anticipate the effects of second- and third-order operational decisions. Some They have described this as “the ability to see around corners,” but it’s really about increased situational awareness and adapting to uncertainty and ambiguity as the situation dictates.”

Paul Kinsinger, clinical professor at the Thunderbird School of Global Management and executive director of Thunderbird Executive Education recounts in an article on the Thunderbird site: “The need for organizations to adapt is nothing new, and indeed those who point out that humanity has faced even more dramatic adaptation imperatives in the past are surely correct That said, we are where we are in the history of human development and the scope and pace of dynamic change in the marketplace and in our organizations will leave. behind many companies and will leave the human capital potential of their employees untapped.

VUCA Prime, a popular response to address the root causes of VUCA symptoms developed by Institute for the Future Distinguished Fellow Bob Johansen, can be seen as the continuum of skills developed to counter the VUCA model by changing the acronym to focus on Vision, Understanding, Clarity and Agility. Kinsinger writes: “We are moving from a world of problems, which require speed, analysis, and the elimination of uncertainty to solve them, to a world of dilemmas, which require patience, sense, and commitment to uncertainty.” Vision, understanding, clarity and agility are not mutually exclusive in the VUCA Prime model. Rather, they are interlocking elements that help strategic leaders become stronger VUCA leaders. VUCA Prime counters the effects of a VUCA environment with:

Vision – an intention that seeks to create a future

Comprehension: the ability to stop, look and listen

Clarity: the ability to help make sense of chaos.

Agility: An organization where “wire management” is rewarded above the hierarchy [The operational definition of wirearchy is “a dynamic two-way flow of power and authority, based on knowledge, trust, credibility and a focus on results, enabled by interconnected people and technology”.]

The value of data in a VUCA world is now being realized from multiple analytics activities. Cybernomics, the ability to analyze and take advantage of big data, digitalization and social networks to improve business efficiency, has become more essential than ever to strengthen the competitive advantage of an organization. Measuring fluid intelligence by tracking information processing when faced with unknown, dynamic, and vague data, psychometrics can predict cognitive performance in VUCA settings, revealing dynamics that reinforce personality, such as values, beliefs , self-concept and defenses. The biggest breakthrough in extracting value from data may come with the rise of quantum storytelling, a huge and largely unexplored body of work in organization theory that describes how “living stories” affect the future. of companies and their brands. It is argued that learning is the most important factor in the survival and advancement of an organization, helping to reduce volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. The bottom line is that without data there is no learning.

Today, the need for leaders to make quick decisions, manage the paradoxes of seemingly contradictory demands, and embrace change is critical to navigating and surviving in these turbulent times of a VUCA world. These skills and abilities are markedly different from the more role-specific skills and abilities that leaders in the past needed to be successful. Business leaders must refocus their leadership skills to hone these more strategic and complex critical thinking skills.

Hey, it’s crazy out there! What are you doing differently to adapt to leading in a VUCA world? I’d love to hear about the strategies you’ve used to overcome leadership adversities or your thoughts on the importance of applying VUCA principles to leading your environment in the comments below, because they might help others and who knows, just maybe. help you too

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