
Tech which makes Sense

Possibly the most intimate non-sexual action between two people is the kiss, but like so many other things, a kiss is not a simple act. A kiss, one style of kissing is not the same as another; there is much more behind a kiss than just an expression of love. In some countries, kissing is an accepted form of greeting, regardless of gender, with two people kissing on the cheek having the same meaning as shaking hands. In many societies today it is also acceptable to kiss close friends directly on the lips as a greeting, without a more intimate or loving relationship, although this is mostly restricted to younger women.

The type of kiss between two people can have various meanings: a sign of friendship; a simple greeting; a sign of love or more. A kiss on the forehead, a kiss on the cheek, a kiss on a person’s hand, a kiss on the lips, each depends on the level of friendship, the relationship between the two parties, what the person wants to convey. The style of the kiss also depends on the type of meeting, whether it is formal or friendly and, to a large extent, on what is acceptable in a certain society or country.

Building a relationship between two people is not easy, regardless of gender. However, building a lesbian relationship is the same as for heterosexual couples, with the only difference being that they are both of the same gender. In both cases, mutual interests, mutual attraction, love, and to some extent sexual attraction are involved. As with all other relationships, trust and understanding, the ability to speak and listen, understanding of the other person, and the ability to compromise also play a role.

One of the easiest ways two people can express their love for each other, aside from the use of words, is through kissing. A kiss of shared love is something very special, but also something that needs to be learned, that needs some practice and that, at the beginning of a relationship, can cause problems. Without knowing where a relationship is headed, or even if one is just starting, it’s hard to judge exactly how to kiss another woman. Much depends on the situation, the environment, the level of friendship -or passion- that has already been built between the couple. It also depends on whether both parties, both women, are aware that there is an interest on the part of their kisser and how deep that interest is, whether the person kissing already knows for sure that the woman they are kissing is also a lesbian. There are still, in many societies and in many smaller communities, no matter how free a society may pretend to be, personal restrictions that prevent a clear display of sexual inclinations.

A kiss is not just a kiss. Lip contact is a small part of the whole, not even the beginning of a kiss and hopefully not the end either. A kiss begins with the mind; the decision that you want to kiss someone, that you are attracted enough to show one of the most intimate signs of attraction. It starts with communication, not necessarily through words, but words are also a very good means of communicating the desire to kiss, depending on the situation. Body language, especially the eyes and the way one person touches another, also plays a role. Being close to them and looking them in the eye, reading what their body language tells you, is not easy but, with the right person, there is a silent level of communication, of mutual understanding possible.

One of the most important things to remember when kissing someone for the first time is not to overdo it, not to force the other person into a situation they may not be ready for. A light kiss directly on the lips is probably the best way to start, followed by careful observation of how your partner reacts. For some, a kiss on the lips can be a shock, not necessarily a bad one, but a pleasant surprise. It can also lead to kissing back, which is clearly expected. Once it is clear that the kiss has been accepted, that it is desired, the kiss can literally run its own course. Lesbians, just like everyone else, allow their emotions to control their reactions when it comes to the most pleasurable intimate things in life.

Still, there’s a lot more to a kiss than just a kiss on the lips and reading body language. A woman’s lips are very sensitive, for many even an erogenous zone, which, along with other parts of the body, can cause more than platonic reactions. Other parts of the body can enhance the effects of a kiss when touched or caressed, such as a person’s neck, their arms, their hands. In public, taking into account the mores of a civilized society, caressing a woman’s breasts would not necessarily be acceptable, but in private it is something else, once the level of kissing has passed the initial stage. More intimate actions, such as intimate touching, should be saved for later; it is better not to cling and feel good from the beginning of a relationship, as this can quickly create the wrong impression.

There are many different ways to kiss: a kiss directly on the lips, quick and light; a direct kiss on the lips with more pressure and duration; a kiss with the use of the tongue around the lips; a kiss with the tongue inside the mouth of your partner; soft bite of the lips; kissing other parts of the body such as the cheeks, neck, ears, etc. Kissing can also involve intense use of the tongue, both inside and outside the mouth, biting and light sucking although, at the beginning of a relationship, it is better to be careful not to immediately plunge into an advanced love session.

Kissing is also an act that requires time. A quick kiss on the cheek, lips, or forehead is often interpreted as a mere greeting and nothing more, especially if, after kissing, you immediately back away too much. Something more intense, an act of love, should be handled slowly and carefully, concentrating all your attention on the person you are kissing as if there is nothing more important to you in the world, as if you have all the time available only for them. . The first kiss on the lightest lips should be followed by not moving away, inviting the woman you have kissed to kiss you back, looking into her eyes, judging her reaction, and when you are sure, returning. to kiss her with a little more intensity, longer duration. Once you’ve gotten over the first hurdle, perhaps overcame your own uncertainty or shyness, and kissed for the first time, events will take their natural course.

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