
Tech which makes Sense

As an emotional empath, spiritual intuitive, and relationship coach, the one question we get more than ANY is about how to create lasting love in a romantic relationship. After all… it’s a cliché to say that it’s NATURAL for the “spark” to wear off after a while, because MOST people already know this and sadly experience it every day.

This is why most relationships end up in a state of just good plutonic friendship at best. Or indifference, or even contempt at worst. (and those are the people who end up staying together too!)

I want to share with you the secret of REAL romantic relationships that last forever.

Yes, it has a spiritual or psychic sounding name…simply because it is a spiritual concept.

But you don’t need to believe in soul mates, or karmic connections, or the psychic and emotional energy that connects people in love to understand that it’s true.

(in other words… even if you’re skeptical, this concept will work for you! 🙂

Everyone knows the feeling of deja vu. The idea that you knew someone, loved someone, or experienced something at some point in the past, even if you don’t remember it in your conscious mind. The idea is typically spiritual, in that people who believe in deja vu often attribute those experiences as having occurred in life, or a state of energy or consciousness that is beyond the body as we know it. (eg: a past life, or in a precognitive dream, or in some state of grace where the ordinary rules of reality don’t apply!)

Never seen is the exact OPPOSITE of let seen. And in a way, it is the most powerful way to connect with your soul mate in a way that is rooted in deep reality, but can lead to a lifelong relationship of happiness, beauty, and development, especially if you practice it faithfully. .

Never Vu means, instead of feeling like you’ve met someone BEFORE when you meet, instead… denotes, experiencing meeting them or the FIRST time, every time you meet them.

It is an attitude, an energy, and a way of life that can transform your relationships with others you love and care about, as well as with yourself.

Every day you wake up in the same relationship, but instead of treating it like it’s old, you see it as NEW, through fresh, new, excited eyes.

When you look at your lover tonight, instead of seeing them as familiar… see them as COOL, exciting, magical and mysterious.

Because that feeling is really what makes a new relationship feel so good. And once it disappears, once we feel that we know everything, there is nothing left to explore… and that electric energy of the unknown disappears.

If you can think of each and every experience as new…even if you’ve already done it a million times, your life WILL be transformed.

You don’t need to believe in soulmates like me to see it work. You don’t need to be spiritual, or believe in karma, or that the universe WANTS you to be successful like me. You just need to be willing and ready to look at true love for the first time… each and every day. In my opinion, that is what we are really here to experience, and if you allow yourself to see the world through eyes of never-before-seen colors, that is the world that will smile at you too, I promise!

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