
Tech which makes Sense

Organizing your kitchen pantry may seem like a lot of work, but when you have everything in its place, you’ll feel good that you’ve accomplished your goal. There is satisfaction in knowing that your products are easily accessible and actually being able to find them at first glance. Tidying up your closets may not come naturally to you, but imagine how it will simplify your life. Reaching your goal of a tidy pantry with organized shelves just takes some time and planning.

You will need to set aside some time to tackle this project without interruption. I like to do it alone so I can focus on what I’m doing. But to help you get started, you could ask your child to place everything from the pantry, on the table, or the island. If they are competent enough to do this for you, you are off to a good start. So, with or without help, you’ll need to clear out your shelves. While the shelves are empty, wipe them down with a damp cloth. After they have dried, they are ready to be restocked.

While your products are stagnant, group similar products together. When you put them back on the shelf, you’ll want to have zones for the different categories, just like at the grocery store. Baking supplies, cans, pasta, and juices all go in their own category, as do breakfast cereals. You get the idea. Get rid of things that are expired or that you know you’ll never use now while you’re driving them.

In addition to organizing your kitchen pantry, using sealed glass or plastic containers will protect your food from infestations and may extend its shelf life. There are many different types available to suit your purposes and budget. A large container can hold many small items, such as snacks or granola bars, making them easy to store and find. Having bins that stack and fit together helps keep shelves tidy and saves space.

Where you put things back on the shelves depends on how often you use them. Place frequently used items near the front where they are within easy reach. Items that you rarely use go to the top shelves or bottom of the shelf. Planning this out correctly will save you a lot of time in the long run and if you have to climb too often to reach something, consider moving it down so it’s within reach.

Plan to get the job done soon, and have fun organizing your kitchen pantry!

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