
Tech which makes Sense

One of the best ways that top article marketers drive previously targeted traffic to their websites is by submitting quality articles to popular article submission sites.

Article submission sites are websites that function as article directories or article banks. Most of the popular article submission sites allow authors to post their articles on their sites for free. There are some article submission sites that charge a small fee to publish and distribute articles, but it is a small price to pay for the quality service they provide. I feel like some of these sites are of better quality and service due to the fact that they charge a fee and attract a more valuable customer rather than some authors just looking for a free place to submit low quality articles. In a sense, it keeps the riffraff out. Many of the reputable large submission sites review all articles submitted to them to ensure quality articles are posted on their site.

Article submission sites also provide free articles to webmasters who need content for their website, as long as they keep the article intact and do not modify it in any way. This is a great way to create content on your website and feed search bots food to digest, thus improving your sites ranking.

Most of the major article directories generally require you to manually submit your articles and do not accept automatic submissions that could be generated by a computer email or software program. The reason for manual submissions is that they are looking for “real” authors and not some incomprehensible article. Manual submission sites require you to sign up for an account where you can log in and from there you can perform many beneficial tasks from tracking the number of article views, author ranking, and a host of other great features.

When searching for popular article submission sites, you want to find sites that provide a high volume of traffic and high rankings. One of the best tools you can use is Alexa. Alexa.com will provide statistics on traffic ranking, page views, and related links. Sites with higher traffic rankings will undoubtedly provide more readers for your articles. These sites are the ones you want to focus on for manually submitting your articles. Some of the top 10 sites I can recommend with a high traffic ranking are: Ezine Articles, Digg, Isnare, Go Articles, Article City, Article Dashboard, Content Desk, and Article Alley.

As you can see, the popular article submission sites are the ones that can inject your article marketing campaigns with a huge boost in free pre-targeted traffic. I prefer free traffic to paid traffic any day of the week. Give them a try and see the difference it will make. I know they have worked very well for my article submissions and they may work for you too.

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