
Tech which makes Sense

Writing material with great SEO potential can be challenging. You need to get a good balance of keywords without being accused of keyword stuffing, a big no-no in the SEO world. Basically, that means all of your content is keywords and it doesn’t make sense, it has no real information and it’s just there to, well, have a lot of keywords present.

Authority may seem easy. Someone in authority has to be answered and the same applies here. It means the level of trust a site has from the major search engines. If trust is high, that’s good, and it means the site will rank high. If not, it won’t and that’s bad news.

Breadcrumbs are a great ingredient for meatloaf and work well in fairy tales to bring characters back to square one. In SEO terms, breadcrumbs are website navigation tools that help return visitors to where they want to be within the site.

We have many doors in our homes. They are used to enter and leave a room. In SEO a gateway has a similar function in that they are pages that are used to specifically drive traffic from the search engine. Then the user will ‘enter’ the site. Did you see what they did there?

Content in SEO terms refers to the specific parts of a site that have the most value to the viewer, i.e. the articles, the meat of the site, the oomph, if you will. This is not the place for advertising, branding, or navigation.

There are airports all over the country that act as hubs for various airlines. If you arrive at one of these hub airports, you can usually connect to almost anywhere else. The same goes for an SEO center. A hub is defined as a high-quality expert page (information, no keyword stuffing, etc.) and links the user to other related pages to further enhance their search.

An internal link might sound like something on a golf course, but for our purposes it means inbound links from other related pages (like the hub) that are already a trusted source. You can link to another page and come back for more information about your query as a user.

And finally, a walled garden is not what you think. Instead, it is a group of pages that are linked to each other but not linked to any other page. So you’re stuck!

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