
Tech which makes Sense

Who can’t benefit from seeing the world through a different lens and getting a new lease of life?

Lately, my focus is finding the metaphor in everything, and spring is loaded with them. Take the ubiquitous metaphor of gardening. The basics include choosing plants, clearing the ground, and planting seeds. Fertilizer, water, and sun will nurture and sustain it, and unsurprisingly, there will be weeds to pluck. Your garden’s success works together with you and the environment, providing a sense of accomplishment, pride, and beauty for all to enjoy. Keeping a well-conditioned mind is like tending a garden. We clear the mind of old beliefs and attitudes, choose our ideas, and focus on planting the seeds of positive thinking. We use love, encouragement, and gratitude to neutralize our negative and toxic thoughts. A healthy mental attitude depends on associating ourselves with a power greater than ourselves, as disciplining the mind often requires support. With a positive outlook, we will feel happier, including those around us.

So since each new season is about change, and your home is a reflection of you, here are fourteen ideas and metaphors to help clear the way for this time of rebirth:

1. Open the windows to let in the fresh breath of spring. Feel the warmth of the sun coming in. Metaphor: Clearing stale and negative air with others creates more space and energy in your life.

2. To brighten your rooms, remove those heavy dark curtains and drapes and drapes. Metaphor: Hiding behind your fears keeps the light of who you are from shining.

3. Eliminate tolerances, that is, the things you are putting up with that cause you stress. Metaphor: Let go of people, places and situations that divert your energy.

4. Check your winter clothes and give away anything that doesn’t fit you, makes you feel less than fabulous, or is too small for you. Metaphor: Release anything that no longer serves your highest good.

5. The best way to manage anything, including clutter, is to break it down into manageable tasks. The less busy a room seems, the more you see. Metaphor: Just for today, know that you can handle anything. Strive to remember that less is more in almost every area of ​​your life.

6. Before giving away material possessions, thank and bless them for serving you. Metaphor: Release the toxic people in your life with love and gratitude, because they have taught you something you need to learn about yourself.

7. Organizing and cleaning each room is a free way to eliminate chaos from your home. Metaphor: To invite more calm into your life, cleanse the mind / body / spirit by getting rid of internal baggage, such as unresolved grievances, self-imposed obligations, and old beliefs.

8. The way we do things is the way we do everything. See if you are having trouble making changes at home that could make your life easier, quieter, and less stressful. Metaphor: Where, how and what resists in your life that can prevent you from moving forward?

9. Change will keep your relationships fresh and exciting. Make your living space reflect the love you want by adjusting your surroundings accordingly. Metaphor: Immutability in life is the death of our spirit. To change what surrounds us, we have to change.

10. Keep fresh cut flowers. Appreciate their beauty, feel their reassuring presence, and enjoy them while they last. Metaphor: Allow yourself to feel the gift of life and fill your heart with goodness. Accept that everything changes and ends.

11. Be proactive in nurturing your body. Preparing your own food lets you know exactly what is in it. Metaphor: We are responsible for what we feed our mind and soul.

12. Give your front door a new coat of paint. Revive your rooms with a touch of new color. Swap out those sheets, blankets, and cushions for lighter, brighter colors. Move things around so a room looks different. Metaphor: Boost your spirits with a new hairstyle. Use a color that you have never used before. Release your mood with laughter, a whimsical attitude, and more fun. Changing your mind also changes your perspective.

13. Take a break from the television, the phone, and the computer. The sheer amount of input these days leaves us little room to process anything. Metaphor: Unzip yourself by finding a way to focus every day.

14. Observe how it feels to enter your home. What needs to be changed? Is it messy? Does it represent your tastes or someone else’s? Metaphor: Ask yourself: “How do I want to improve my relationship with myself? What internal baggage am I carrying? Am I living an authentic life?

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