
Tech which makes Sense

Your car is something you treasure and something you want to look good on because, honestly, your car reflects who you are. With that said, you want your car to be in tip-top condition. Why not add some extra accessories? You wouldn’t be reading this article if you weren’t considering styling your car with a flying lady hood ornament, right? When you look at these works, you begin to realize: there are more than a thousand different styles! We are going to show you how many deviations and varieties there are! Next, we will delve into styling your car with the flying lady hood ornament.

When choosing the ornamentation you want, you need to boil it down to three things: the type, the era you want it from, and the color. If you are looking for a more “fancy” look, you can simply choose an accessory with gems. The color of the wings is also important, as if your car is a color that doesn’t match the décor, it can look a bit odd. Of course, if that’s your style, go for it!

Looking for a slightly different approach, say gold plated? Then you should absolutely investigate that alley. Gold might not be your thing, but it would definitely complement any silver, white, or black car immensely. Gold is fancy and all, but what if you’re not a ‘golden’ person? Well then, chrome is another option. Not only does it match any existing color, but it also has a gloss finish to top it off!

You may also want to consider the shape. Do you want your lady to fly with angel wings, simple bird wings, no wings or just gliding in the air? The variations are endless!

Finally, do you want something real or a replica? Antiques cost a fortune, but owning one can bring a great deal of pride, and even more so when it’s a rare one. Replicas are cheaper and can bring almost the same joy as an old one!

If you have decided on a replica of a winged flying lady, what style will you install on your ride? There are several color or finish variations of the modern flying lady hood ornament, nicknamed the hood bitch or the housebred bitch; chrome wing with die-cast chrome body, gold wing with chrome body, gold body with chrome wings, and gold wings with gold body. In addition to the standard hood ornament, there is the light-up flying lady hood ornament with colored wings including amber, blue, green, purple and red.

Hood ornaments used to be for purely technical purposes – the radiator cap in the old days. It sat on top of the grille and served as a coolant temperature taker. When this became an art form, he began to “talk a lot” about the owner.

Basically, you individualized your car. In the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s these were popular and created a healthy business. Chrome plate was not available and only silver and nickel plate were accessible.

It goes without saying that styling your car with a flying lady hood ornament can be broken down into three easy categories: What trim would you like? Which time period is more interesting? What color? Once you learn this, you’ll be on your way to a beautiful new accessory for your car! Not to mention, this will make all your friends jealous, even if hood ornaments aren’t your thing. You have infinite possibilities.

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