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What are some of the known and probable causes of yeast infections in women? Also known as Candida, this infection is more common in women than men or infants. A woman can get a Candida yeast infection in her mouth, breasts, or skin. However, most cases of this infection in women refer to the vagina.

Any vaginal infection tends to be an embarrassing problem. What causes this infection in women? In this article I aim to provide details of the common reasons for a Candida infection in a woman.

Let me start by assuring you that this vaginal infection is not a sexually transmitted disease. However, unless you are fully treated, you can pass this infection on to your male partner.

The main causes of yeast infections in women are

a) Intake of antibiotics: When we take antibiotics, the natural and healthy bacterial balance in the vagina is disturbed. As a result, this creates an ideal environment for yeast to grow, multiply and thrive.

b) When your body’s immunity is low, it is not able to fight bacteria and fungi on its own. Reduced immune system is another common cause of Candida.

c) Douching: When we douche frequently, the natural lubricants necessary for a healthy vagina disappear. This again creates a perfect environment for the yeast to grow and multiply.

d) Use of perfumed sprays and soaps in the vaginal area. These products contain chemicals and are capable of altering the natural pH balance of the vagina. In some women these cause allergic reactions that can be the starting point of the infection.

e) In case your partner has Candida infection, unless he is completely cured, he can spread it to you. This is one of the most common causes of candidiasis in women that can be overcome by always maintaining safe sex and using condoms.

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