
Tech which makes Sense

The contagious nature of HIV places it in a different class from other chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, etc. The contagious nature of HIV has a more debilitating psychosocial and psychological impact on the mental and emotional state of the sick person than non-communicable diseases and often leads to self-imposed isolation and a feeling of being totally inadequate.

HIV meds can help the body of the infected person, but that person’s feelings of self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence take an overwhelming blow that must be attended to just as directly as treating their physical body.

Healing the HIV-infected person’s mind goes a long way toward healing that person’s body because the healthy state of mind will produce far more antibodies to fight the intrusions than a depressed state of mind discouraged by the condition. of his physical state. Health.

The most dangerous mentality that a person infected with the HIV virus can allow themselves to fall into is that of denial. Denial is so dangerous because it refuses to accept the existence of the disease, which prevents the infected person from taking the necessary steps to treat the virus and also puts other people in serious danger.

Denial also has the side effect of confusing the brain, where it will send wrong or mixed signals to the body’s protective mechanisms, weakening the responsiveness of this system to external and internal stimuli, both positive and negative.

A person can live a reasonably healthy life with HIV, but that is not enough when that person lives in a despondent mental and emotional state due to their constant awareness that a deadly plague actively resides within them.

The powerful human nature of sexuality becomes a burden and a curse for those who are infected with any kind of sexually transmitted disease, and being infected with the HIV and AIDS virus also carries a lot of shame and embarrassment.

There is nothing stopping a person infected with the HIV and AIDS virus from living a productive and rewarding life if they do not wallow in the defeatist mentality. Being HIV positive may seem like the end of her world, but it is not, it is simply one of life’s many obstacles and challenges that she must face with determination to overcome.

Self-pity and denial are psychological contraband that must be removed from the mind and replaced with goods and services that are personally and socially reinforcing and empowering.

The nature of HIV is silent and deadly. It feeds on the cells of the body like a leech.

HIV is: “Mayo Clinic Staff Definition”

“Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a chronic, life-threatening condition caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). By damaging your immune system, HIV interferes with your body’s ability to fight the organisms that cause the illness.

HIV is a sexually transmitted infection. It can also be spread by contact with infected blood or from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. Without medication, it can take years for HIV to weaken your immune system to the point that you have AIDS.

There is no cure for HIV/AIDS, but there are medications that can drastically slow the progression of the disease. These drugs have reduced AIDS deaths in many developed nations. But HIV continues to decimate populations in Africa, Haiti and parts of Asia.”

The symptoms of HIV and AIDS vary depending on the stage of the infection.

Primary infection (acute HIV):

Most people infected with HIV develop a flu-like illness within a month or two after the virus enters the body. This illness, known as primary or acute HIV infection, can last a few weeks. Possible signs and symptoms include:



Muscle aches and joint pain


Throat pain

Swollen lymph nodes, mainly in the neck

Although the symptoms of primary HIV infection can be mild enough to go unnoticed, the amount of virus in the bloodstream (viral load) is particularly high at this time. As a result, HIV infection spreads more efficiently during primary infection than during the next stage of infection.

Latent clinical infection (chronic HIV):

In some people, persistent swelling of the lymph nodes occurs during the clinical phase of latent HIV. Otherwise, there are no specific signs and symptoms. However, HIV remains in the body and in infected white blood cells.

Latent clinical infection usually lasts for about 10 years if you are not receiving antiretroviral therapy. This phase can last for decades in people taking antiretroviral drugs. But some people progress to a more serious disease much sooner.

Early symptomatic HIV infection:

As the virus continues to multiply and destroy immune cells, you may develop mild infections or chronic signs and symptoms such as:


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Swollen lymph nodes, often one of the first signs of HIV infection



Oral candidiasis (thrush)

Herpes (herpes zoster)

Progress to AIDS:

If you don’t get treatment for your HIV infection, the disease usually progresses to AIDS in about 10 years. By the time AIDS develops, your immune system has been severely damaged, making you susceptible to opportunistic infections, diseases that normally wouldn’t bother a person with a healthy immune system.

Signs and symptoms of some of these infections may include:

Soaking night sweatshirts

recurrent fever

chronic diarrhea

Persistent white patches or unusual lesions on the tongue or in the mouth

Persistent and unexplained fatigue


Rashes or bumps on the skin

When to see a doctor:

If you think you may have been infected with HIV or are at risk of contracting the virus, see a health care provider as soon as possible.”

For more information on this, visit: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hiv-aids/basics/definition/con-20013732

They all say that there is currently no cure for the HIV and AIDS virus and widely promote the medication of the virus. This is great advice for the benefit of the pharmaceutical companies, but it falls short for those of us who are HIV positive.

The cure for the HIV and AIDS virus is in the hands of those of us who are infected forming our own independent research and development groups that are solely interested in finding and launching the cure for HIV and AIDS and not in make money just by developing drugs for it.

However, by monkeys or by man, HIV and AIDS have reared their hideous heads is a lukewarm subject compared to the self-reliance, corporate action and creative initiative that we who are HIV and AIDS positive must undertake as a formidable unified body to heal ourselves. this plague and not depend on others to do it for us.

Your starting point for defending your personal life is to become a member of http://hiveaid.org. Join now and reaffirm your individual and collective independence and humanity.

We must not allow HIV and AIDS to be relegated to just one of many treatable diseases, because it would be like jumping ship before the iceberg hits. We are the pioneers of our own health and destiny, and we will carry on until we are safely anchored at the docks of the new city.

Our enemies gather in the dark attacking our immune systems using the corridors of our life giving blood to assault us. There should be a way to induce our silent enemy to feed on itself and, in doing so, annihilate itself.

The cure for HIV and AIDS lies in the creative energies of women and men and can be developed, if it has not already been done, and distributed to people infected with HIV and AIDS free of charge. There is no such thing as no such thing when it comes to the human imagination. The ability to achieve is a gift that is embedded within all of us, some have more of this gift and some less, but we all have this gift if we are willing to cultivate and exploit it.

Our hands are not tied to the whims and goodwill of others, therefore we gather our collective forces, pool our resources, and go about the job at hand, taking back our lives and driving our silent enemy from the tables. of the nations.

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