
Tech which makes Sense

Lots of short video clips are better, especially when a file gets corrupted.

Use manual zoom (zoom in) over optical or digital zoom

Shoot, shoot, shoot, storage is almost free or not used.

The more you record, the more good video you get. That’s a fact.

Use the highest possible video resolution setting, unless you’re filming politicians.

They just aren’t worth it.

Don’t use a tripod unless you want a camera view of the sky or are using a high optical zoom.

or trying to get close-ups in dangerous situations. So tripods are fine.

I used 2 ounce tripods. One for the spyglass and then my Mini DVD camcorder

lined up right behind him. It worked very well. The only thing that would have changed

it was the exact location of the bait, where the installation was pointing. Use the

Remote control for zoom and on/off. So the configuration was not disturbed. High high zoom.

Use the camera as a flashlight. You’ll catch more action and you won’t get

stumbled so often. You’ll discover other video opportunities as you shoot

in this way, then quickly follow the new topic. I recorded a mouse being caught

for a dog a few months ago.

Keep the camera on auto. Learn how it reacts under various conditions.

When moving the camera do not use any zoom. In a slow moving vehicle, the zoom is fine.

When moving and filming; bend at the waist and extend the camera to the front,

This helps eliminate the up and down movement when walking or running.

Make a comment. Folding later is just not the same.

With short clips and computer timeline playback, you can eliminate editing

spend more time shooting videos. Much less video clutter too. work hard on

do not edit Rendering/editing results in a loss of resolution.

Keep your hands around the camcorder in cold weather.

Bend at the waist and hold the camera below your chest when it rains or snows.

Have an extra battery or two. Keep the camera on and ready to shoot.

Mine is a mini DVD I have 4 rewritable discs (double sided) 2 hours of solid video

in the highest resolution.

Buy a power accessory that plugs into the cigarette lighter.

When shooting with a tripod. Use the remote to start and stop recording.

Eliminating the jiggle caused by pressing the on/off button.

The #1 and perhaps only reason to edit is to remove any captured criminal activity.

do not incriminate yourself or others.

If there’s a beautiful sunrise or sunset, capture some of it before and

after the main theme. They look good at full zoom every time.

Announce the date and time instead of displaying it on the video.

Remember who these videos are for. YOUR. Dates are useful and can always be muted.

Prepare for clashes. Some people just don’t like being videotaped.

Videotaping family images with commentary is much better than scanning. video in books

or website threads, for slow-motion playback. Video on ALL, ignoring

the “quality” nasayers.

When shooting a stationary subject, make the final scene a nice portrait. we some

players who see stays on the screen. Works.

Small file sizes (2 minutes or less) allow you to quickly upload the best to the web

hosting sites, people love fresh event videos.

Note the position of the sun. But shoot in any light conditions.

You’ll be amazed at the night vision capabilities of today’s equipment.

Don’t forget to take still pictures. Some people don’t have high

internet speed.

Don’t keep the camera STOPPED. When in a car, go slowly. Run behind

that dog, cat or grizzly bear (maybe not) moves like a weasel, sniffing here,

looking there, surrounding this and that.

In a fastball tournament he was a few yards past first base. He had the pitcher very well

framed. Just pointing with my hand, I followed the string and pitch, then beat

the ball home. Catch the swing and any runs to first or the play

on the ball Big cameras just can’t do that.

Short video clips make it much faster when playing the timeline.

If you are playing the last few seconds of a short video

It’s much faster than watching the last few seconds of a very long clip.

All I do is press the off button and then turn it back on. simple and

Quick. During critical action I don’t mess with anything.

Video displays on the screen, of the video segments you want to show and not

let those video purists bully you into doing it. It’s fast and DIRTY.

There is so much degradation when converting to flash and network that

you won’t notice much difference.

I rename video clips immediately after download. i.e. Vid00012_clip01.mpg

vid00012_clip02.mpg … then vid00013 for the next day or disc side.

A quick note about what’s in the lot is enough for initial cataloging.

I use this list as a control of the videos that I have backed up on DVD.

I can do the more serious cataloging later. Do not catalog or edit when

you can be shooting a video. Backups are a MUST.

Nature video is about content, not framing, lighting, or other finicky details.

you’ll miss too many shots playing and not going out on less than perfect days.

Shoot just about anything wildlife or otherwise, even if it doesn’t have much potential.

Nature will surprise you. You’ll capture some pretty funny moments. I’ve got.

Remove the lens cap at the beginning of the day. too many good opportunities

they miss that. I eat too many.

Get used to aiming your camera looking over the top. just like you would

a shotgun makes it easy to track a moving target. Even butterflies.

When your camera isn’t strapped to your neck or arm. Put him in his box. You’ll

be less likely to damage it.

Don’t buy a camera that is so expensive that you don’t risk it. Otherwise leave it at home.

Permissions: Can you get into legal trouble by videotaping others? Forget asking!

Did the guy who shot the Rodney King video ask? The guy who shot the

Video of JFK Dallas ask?

Background music can increase enjoyment. Take your favorite songs with you.

My default setting for the recording light is on. Let people and animals

know when I’m shooting.

On political forums, etc., the log flag has a weird effect on the

crew. They know you’re shooting. I often do a quick early scan of the group

just to get the apprehension out of the way.

Know where your camera is at all times. You may have to grab it and go.

Experiment a lot and train your eye to detect ACTION.

If I was doing hockey video. I would like the cameraman on the ice.

From a play I want on stage to video.

Have a good media player. I have the BEST bar none.

Break all the old video rules you can. The ones that don’t break, use them.

I’m sure there are many more great video tips out there.

Now go shoot a video!

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