
Tech which makes Sense

This was a great interview about what is so great about the consulting business. When you see side situations that you can capitalize on, leverage and get paid double, this is a great opportunity. We did the same; we obtained the certificate of reliability and mailed it to qualified prospects.

Before that, we did some extra work on this one. We came up with a ‘return on investment’ comparison between our steam engine and the main competitors. We learned in the USP project that our steam engine lasted much longer in the field than all the competition. So we put together a little ‘return on investment chart’ showing how much money our customers were saving by buying our steam engines.

It is true that we did some additional work, but that was the “key” to help us integrate this reliability and get the free report. It is now offered on the web and by dealers. This free report shows how our steam engine makes more money for customers than any other.

Now the dirty people, four of them; Inside sellers submit free reports before bidding. They have distributors on the other end who work with end users and use that free report, plus ROI analysis as part of the bidding process. That was a great integration in step 2. Getting insiders to buy into this report.

Then with step 3, the database. We started to get distributors using the report. We did more training on the USP and the ROI report. The alliances were also working with more distributors doing more marketing on their end. We went through all four steps and that ended about a year ago. Later, Rich got an email from Jack, the owner, and he said, “Richard, I just want you to know that we’re having a record year because of our USP and because sellers rate better, they don’t waste their time on deals they shouldn’t have.” “. be”.

So you see, a good USP is what you want. This helps weed out leads you shouldn’t be working with. What was happening here was that the Steam folks were getting burned out. Their engineering, drafting, and design department was running out of bids they shouldn’t have submitted because they were all “price-oriented” buyers.

They didn’t care about the ROI of a steam engine. Once ROI reports began to be used by sales staff. For example; a boy would call and say; “I want an offer.” The salesperson would say, “Before we make that offer, I need you to read this ROI report. Let’s go through it together first and see what advantages our machine has.” Guess what would happen if they didn’t fill out that report?

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