
Tech which makes Sense

Everyone is starting to learn about ..co domains versus com domains. The internet is running out of .com domains, or so they say. The truth is, if you missed a good domain name, you can get that name at. Most people fear domain squatters. Domain squatters are people who get their domain and then sell it to you for a high price. People can register their name or business name even if it is not their business. Tech folks claim that los.co will be on a faster system, unlike the other domains which are all on the old system. As the Internet is updated, ..co domains may become easier to access. What does this mean for your advertising?

You should first consider at least getting your own name on the a.co. domain. Your company’s website domain as well. With the auto-complete process browsers use, it would make sense that it would often stop at.co and not auto-fill.com, causing people to go to the wrong website. Domain protection is not usually a problem unless you are very famous. If you are interested in advertising, then you clearly plan to have a higher profile than most people, so this is a viable compromise. “We’re seeing people registering them for themselves, their blog, their businesses,” said Lori Anne Wardi, director of marketing for CO Internet SAS, the official registry for.co, which allows registrars like Go Daddy to sell their names from domain. for the public. “We want to be where the next Facebook begins and the next Twitter begins.” Before its launch in July, use of the ..co domain was restricted by the Colombian government, just as the United States has the “.us” domain, Wardi said.

Over time, you will be able to get your business name, as Ford might. I think that will go a long way towards branding and advertising and will be worth the extra cost. If you are in a panic, no. You should give some future thought to how your online advertising will be handled. Prevention is always the best.

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