
Tech which makes Sense

These days, blogging services like Google Blogger and WordPress are advertising their simplicity and ease of use. They say you can create a blog in 3 steps and 5 minutes. If it’s that quick and simple, anyone can be a blogger, right? Well, no. Words like these are very misleading. It probably doesn’t occur to many people that maintaining a blog is much more complicated and time-consuming than the creation process. I know it didn’t occur to me.

Being a blogger is a big commitment, and you need to know what you’re getting into before you jump on the bandwagon. That is why in this article I am going to give you 3 reasons why should not be a blogger

1. You are undecided

Determination is success. When you really want something, you’ll probably put in a lot of effort and take as long as you need to get it, that is, if you’re a determined person. Blogging is more than just coming up with new ideas and turning those ideas into writing. It’s all about promoting your content, making connections, and being a part of the community. A blog usually doesn’t become popular on its own, so promoting your blog to increase your traffic, subscribers, and comments will be an ongoing project and will take up a lot of your blogging time. You also have to take risks and be able to offer something that no one on the planet except you can offer. It takes a lot of work, brainstorming, and time, and if you’re not determined to get to the top, you’ll never get there.

2. You can’t post regularly

Maybe you’re a busy person, but if you can’t fit your blog into your schedule, you shouldn’t have a blog at all. Blogs should be updated several times a week, and you should set aside time to brainstorm new post ideas, write, and promote blogs. Not posting often enough will negatively affect your traffic.

3. You cannot offer content of value

Every blog needs valuable and unique content to keep the reader engaged and hopefully keep them coming back for more. This means that there is no copied content. It also means that you need to be able to write the kind of posts that the reader won’t find anywhere else. This is difficult in an area with high competition, but unless you make your content stand out, your blog will only get buried among millions of others.


Many people who already call themselves bloggers don’t realize how much effort it takes to be successful. Of course, every blogger has their own idea of ​​success, but most set goals for high traffic and getting more comments on their content. If you’re determined that your blog can be successful, if you’re willing to put in the time to create compelling content, and perhaps most importantly, if you enjoy it like you would any other hobby, you’ll be a great blogger bound to succeed.

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