
Tech which makes Sense

You’ve tried everything to try to win her back. You’ve tried to reason with her. You’ve even tried reasoning with her friends and family, but no amount of words, apologies, or promises that things will be different will help you win her back.

The sad but honest truth is that usually once a woman decides to break up with a guy, she can become quite stubborn and resistant to any kind of logic. Promises fall on deaf ears, and any attempt to get him to come back to you by being nice and understanding will only make things worse.

So what can you do to get it back? Is it possible to recover it? Yes, it is indeed possible to recover it. It happens every day. Couples get back together every day in every country on this planet. Keep this in mind when you have those moments when you think all hope is lost. All hope is not lost and you can definitely get it back if that is your wish.

So what can you do to get it back? Like I said before, no matter how much we talk about things, call her or apologize to her, we won’t get her back. In fact, anything you can think of doing to try to get her back is probably a bad idea. Take a look at your record so far and ask yourself what the score is. Anything and everything that you could logically think would work to get her back, won’t work.

This means that if you feel like calling her, you should stop and not call her. If you have the bright idea of ​​sending her flowers and a poem, stop and resist the urge to send her those flowers. Save your money for the flowers after you get her back, okay? If you think that writing an email or text to see how he’s doing might open the doors of communication, stop and put that thought out of your head. These things will only upset her right now and push her further away from you and kill any chance you may have of winning her back.

Take some time and let the dust settle. Yes, time is of the essence and the window of opportunity is quite small, but this is a necessary part of the plan that will eventually lead you to the day you will win it back. This time is necessary to allow him to get over the breakup and all the things that have been said and done since he broke up with you. Soon all the bad memories will fade a bit and over time she will be more receptive to talking to you and even seeing you.

While she’s spending time alone and processing everything since your breakup, you should be busy doing two things. You need to recover both physically and emotionally and you need to come up with a plan to get her back. You need to control your emotions so that when you see her you don’t break down and repeat what she has seen so far since the break up. Physically, she needs to recover and start eating right and exercising to look her best when that day comes.

As for coming up with a plan to get her back; I’m afraid you’ll have to resort to playing dirty if you ever hope to win her back. If being nice and drawing a lot of attention to her doesn’t work, then you should think about being a little cooler and keeping your distance a bit. If apologizing doesn’t work, saying you’re sorry should never leave your mouth for too long. Read about human psychology and learn how to use reverse psychology and psychological hot buttons to achieve the result you want. And if you feel a little weird about using psychology against him… believe me, women do this kind of thing all the time. Of course they call more politically correct terms like flirting or persuasion. So don’t even give it a second thought.

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