
Tech which makes Sense

Do you have yellow or brown spots on your lawn? Does your lawn seem to be gasping for air? Maybe it’s time to save your lawn from suffocation. Your lawn needs air, feed and water just like we do.

What is thatch? Thatch is not a collection of grass clippings as some believe; it is a layer of decaying plant tissue and stems. Too much thatch prevents water, air, and nutrients from reaching the roots of your grass.

Why should I remove the straw?

If your thatch layer is less than 1/2″, removing it is not necessary. A small amount helps retain moisture and prevents weeds from growing.

If your thatch is longer than 1/2 inch, you should consider getting rid of it. If it’s more than 1 inch thick, it’s a haven for bugs, and too much moisture underneath will cause fungus to grow. You need to re-expose the soil and roots to the air.

When should I remove the straw? The time of year to clear your lawn can vary depending on where you live. For best results, grass should be dry, short, and freshly cut to 2″ or less.

How do I get rid of the straw? You can hire a landscaper to do it for you or save money and do it yourself. If you have a small lawn, you can probably do this using a garden rake with metal spikes and some force. Think of it like a big comb, you want to pick up the chaff without damaging the good healthy grass.

Power models are available at your local rental store if you have a large area. The rental expert will show you how to safely operate and adjust the machine. You just want to scrape the dirt, not dig. Some electric rakes are even equipped with bag attachments. You will be surprised at how much thatch you will remove from your lawn. You will need plenty of bags of yard waste unless you are in an area where you can burn or compost.

The grass will look horrible at first. The next step is to water, fertilize, and re-seed the empty spaces. Your lawn will grow back healthy, full and green.

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