
Tech which makes Sense

When the mainstream media breaks a story in which someone has been mistreated, there is a great chance that this person will be seen as a victim. What happened will have had nothing to do with them.

This is something that can also happen when someone has been mistreated and tells their friends what happened. Once again, they will not have played aside in what happened.

The reason

What this may show is that they live in a society that believes that some people are victims while others are perpetrators. Along with this, some people can be seen as “lucky” and others as “unlucky.”

There will also be times when those who consider themselves lucky will experience bad luck and vice versa. Sometimes the terms “good karma” and “bad karma” can also be used after something has happened.

a natural result

When someone sees life this way and uses these words to make sense of what happens to them, it won’t come as a surprise if they often feel powerless and experience a lot of fear. The reason for this is that they will not have much control over their lives and other people will be able to hurt them when they decide to do so.

If they are being mistreated right now, they may feel angry and powerless. But, even if this isn’t happening right now, if they were to look back, they could probably think of at least one moment when this happened, and if they were to look forward, it would probably be easy. so that they imagine that this happens again.

The Drama Triangle

In order for their life to change, then, they will have to hope that they are “lucky” or that their “karma” changes. Also, they may have a strong need for someone to save them from what is happening.

This could mean they will look for someone who seems strong and capable, who is like a father figure, or they could look to the system. The main thing is that someone will be there to make sure they are not victimized by others.

The absolute truth

Taking all of this into account, if someone is mistreated or experiences misfortune, for example, there’s no chance they played apart. They will have experienced something bad, so it cannot have had anything to do with them.

What will also support this is that they will want to be treated well and experience good things. Therefore, to say that this person participated in what happened would be an example of “victim blaming” and would not reflect reality.

A superficial conclusion

Saying that they had nothing to do with what happened can be seen as being based on the view that they only have a conscious mind. So, since they consciously did not want to experience something and what happened had a negative effect on them, it means that they did not play any role.

However, what if there is another part of them that has a much greater effect on their life than this part of them and this part of them is also comfortable being mistreated? If this is the case, it would mean that one is being victimized by a part of himself rather than anyone else.

A mirror

The problem is that if you don’t realize that you have both a conscious and an unconscious mind and see yourself as a simple observer of your reality, you won’t be able to see what’s going on. Instead, what is going on ‘out there’ will be the problem and they will be totally powerless.

When one is strongly attached to their ego-mind and is caught up in what their eyes are telling them, what is happening externally will be seen as something separate from them. Being caught up in what is happening externally and what is happening internally, you will not be able to realize that this is an illusion.

a deeper look

When it comes to their unconscious mind, or just the part of them that doesn’t look, this part of them will carry painful feelings and parts of themselves that they have rejected, among other things. Once something has been pushed out of their conscious mind and into this part of them, they may end up forgetting about it entirely.
But, although they will have consciously forgotten about it, what is contained in this part of them will co-create their reality. So who they are attracted to and avoid, where they are attracted and avoid, and what they do and don’t notice will be influenced by this part of them.

Two parts

With this understanding in place of what is happening, one will be able to investigate, without shame or guilt, why they have manifested something and then do something about it. Without this understanding, what’s going on ‘out there’ will be the problem and there won’t be much you can do.

If this were something that had permeated the collective consciousness, that the external reflected the internal, the world would probably be very different. This would allow the average person to embrace their inherent power and see how the fear of something brings it into being.

final thoughts

It would be easy to point a finger and say that there are people at the top who do not want humanity to “wake up” to see that they are both observers and co-creators of their life. What this would miss, however, is that even if these people existed, they would still be a reflection of what is happening in the collective consciousness.

The first step will be for someone to understand how your ego-mind works and see that you have not one but two minds and the second step will be for you to deal with your repressed internal material. As more people follow these steps, the world as a whole will change to reflect the changes that are taking place in the collective consciousness.

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