
Tech which makes Sense

Meet Ben. Ben is an average 45 year old man. He is relatively happy with his life.

However, one thing has been bugging him. Lately, whenever Ben finds himself in a lovemaking position, he has started having some sexual performance issues.

These performance issues aren’t just your erections. Another much bigger problem has begun to unfold for him. He is noticing that lately he is not in shape for sex. Sure, he still has the desire to make love and his ideas about sex are much more refined. But Ben has a real problem.

Ben, like many middle-aged men, has begun to settle into his middle-aged situation. He no longer plays basketball with his friends. They are all too old. He rarely exercises more than once a week anyway. It’s not a huge workout, just enough to keep from looking too flabby. He is still, for the most part, capable of looking quite healthy for his age.

But there is one place where this deception is failing. It’s in his bedroom. Ben has reached middle age and is slipping into old age as easily as he used to slide into second base when he played softball. Before, when Ben played catch, he knew his body was up for the challenge. Sometimes Ben felt a bit immortal! It was a glorious moment.

Now, that physical performance hasn’t been there. Ben realizes that sometimes he even dreads the idea of ​​sex. It’s too much work. Even when he musters up the bravado to indulge in sex, he starts to look like an “old man” instead of the muffin stallion he used to be. He feels that he no longer has any real stamina or abilities. Ben often begins to feel tired within minutes of a lovemaking session.

But now, something even bigger has begun to affect her love life. Ben is actually starting to dread sex. And it doesn’t have to be that way for him, or for you. He doesn’t know the four most important things he should do if he wants to have sex after 40. Let’s go over them.

First, in order to have sex after 40, Ben has to make sure he’s fit enough to make love. It may be a strange conversation with a doctor, but the simple question of whether he can have sex now is a real concern. There may be heart, muscle or joint problems, or what is called low T or low testosterone. These things any competent doctor should be able to access.

Second, Ben has to get moving. As he has aged, Ben has lost muscle, tissue strength, and joint elasticity. The only cure for that is to start some form of exercise that makes you sweat. If Ben wants an excellent 1 2 shot, he must incorporate sexual thoughts into his training. This is a great way to get his mind to feel more pleasure in exercise and to get him to neurologically link physical exertion with sexual pleasure. This is a motivator that can further inspire bedroom exercises.

The third thing Ben needs to do is start sex-specific training to rebuild and refine the muscles used in sex. Even if Ben wanted to, he can’t hit the old baseball like he used to. Ben can’t swim or play basketball like he used to. What would make him think that he can still make love like he used to? Well he can’t! So Ben needs to figure out ways to improve his sexual physique and work the muscles used in sex.

Fourth, Ben needs to realize that he deserves to make love too. He is not too old for pleasure. He doesn’t have to be a failure in the bedroom. Many may be sexually active well into their 80s and beyond. Ben can see this phase of his life as one of the most rewarding he has ever imagined.

Ben can see that we all live longer and more active lives. There is no reason for him to give up making love. He may be better than he ever was! He now he has patience and a lifetime of skills. All he has to do is arouse that pleasure response in his body. It is natural that he should have vanished, but it is more natural that he should be reborn, more glorious and full than ever.

He deserves love and romance. And, Ben is ready to make that happen. He will see his doctor and start doing some cardio. Third, Ben will begin specific sexual training and, above all, he will realize that he deserves a happy love life. Ben might even start to get back that old smile he used to have. Ben knows that he is going to be even better in the second inning of life.

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