
Tech which makes Sense

You’ve been considering trying anal sex, but weren’t sure you’d enjoy it.

Relax; The anus is full of sensitive nerve endings that feel amazing when stimulated with a tongue, finger, penis, or toy. Before engaging in anal sex, you must be fully prepared, mentally and physically. Foreplay before anal sex is not only fun, but absolutely necessary.

Here are our top ten tips for enjoying anal sex:

1. Cleanliness is… Important

You want all your intimate moments to be memorable, especially your anal sex experience. You just don’t want to be reminded of any brown residue after your partner withdraws from your anus. This residue could be fecal matter and/or a combination of fecal matter and mucous membranes. There isn’t much you can do to remove mucous membranes, but you can control your bowel movements. Before engaging in anal sex, include a high-fiber diet to keep your colon clean. Little time? Try using an anal douche or enema about an hour before intercourse. This will allow any remaining fluid from the enema or douche to leave your body making your experience more comfortable. Remember, you can jump in the shower afterwards to freshen yourself and your partner up.

2. Keep it moist

By wet, we mean your intestines. Drink plenty of water. This may sound silly, but when you don’t drink enough water, your body becomes dehydrated. Water hydrates the intestines and aids in elimination by producing softer stools. If you are dehydrated, you may become constipated. Constipation = Uncomfortable sex. Nobody wants sex to be awkward.


We cannot stress this enough. Use a lot of lubricant. Unlike the vagina and the mouth, the anus does not provide its own moisture. We recommend using a silicone-based lubricant. Silicone lasts longer than water-based lubes and doesn’t dry out or get gross. If you’re using a safe latex condom and it says “lubricated,” for anal sex, lube isn’t enough, so always add more.

4. foreplay

Before you and your partner begin, play with your anus. Insert a well-lubricated object (just make sure it doesn’t have jagged edges, ie nails, damaged toys) inside you or have your partner massage the edge of your anus. When you’re both ready, consider exploring safe analingus (anal oral sex) with your partner; If you don’t have dental dams, you can cut a condom lengthwise and place it over the opening of the anus to protect against bacteria normally found in the anus.

5. Watch out for those signs!

The prospect of having anal sex is just as exciting for the giver as it is for the receiver. Make sure your partner proceeds with caution! When you’re ready, your anus will relax to let you know. Your partner should slowly insert a toy or his penis inside you. A penis, even a toy, is a large object to insert into an anus, so be patient. It may feel like it’s taking forever to fully get into you, but the rewards are worth it. After anal foreplay and when you are relaxed enough, allow your partner to partially penetrate you, giving your body time to adjust to the size and fit. Breathe slowly until you are relaxed and feel yourself opening up more. As you open up more, allow your partner to go deeper. If you need a break, have your partner pull back partially, then try going back in deeper with each stroke.

6. The experience

If at any time during anal sex you feel extreme pain or discomfort, STOP. That is your body telling you that you are at risk of harm. Let your partner know that you need a break. Take some time and when you’re ready, add more lube and go for it.

7. Time to play

Another way to prepare for anal sex is to stretch your muscles yourself. You can use anal plugs. This is a wonderful way to easily welcome your partner into you.

8. Move

Anal sex doesn’t have to be done in just one position. It is crucial that you find the position that is most comfortable for you to receive your partner. For beginners to anal sex, try starting on your stomach. Once you’ve accepted your partner and the pleasure takes over, switch positions, you may be surprised to find that your anal sex experience is more pleasurable in a different position than the one you started with.

9. Bathroom

If after enjoying anal sex you feel like going to the bathroom, go. Don’t force yourself.

10. Back to basics

After you and your partner revel in the pleasure of anal sex, you see some “leftovers”, do not panic. this is natural. Go clean up, better yet, make it a prelude to more. Take a shower together, clean each other up, and come back for more.

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