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Sometimes you may find your colleagues attractive, either from the moment they walk in or after you get to know them a little better. However, most men never know how to react in this particular situation. Still, he should never get discouraged, as there are several techniques that can help him seduce the beautiful co-worker of his choice, no matter how many other male co-workers are also interested in doing the same.

Overcome the job barrier today! Read on to discover the six office seduction techniques that work perfectly…

How To Seduce A Coworker: The Top 6 Office Seduction Techniques That Work Like Magic

Office Seduction Technique #1: Be incredibly intriguing. Women like anything related to drama or emotions. Therefore, you should try to include some kind of emotional story in every conversation you have with the woman you choose, so that she becomes romantically close to you. With enough practice in this technique, you can slowly work your way up to becoming a pro and win the heart you want, even outside of the workplace.

Office Seduction Technique #2: Be incredibly persistent. Seducing a co-worker will take some time and effort, but if you follow the above tips carefully, you should be courting the woman of your choice in no time.

Office Seduction Technique #3: Be incredibly confident. A great self-esteem would be of the utmost importance to win the heart of any co-worker. Acting uptight can definitely get her attention, but it wouldn’t do it in a good way and may even ruin your chances of scoring with her in some way, so refrain from doing so.

Office Seduction Technique #4: Show amazing smiles. By smiling a lot at your co-workers and never forgetting to maintain eye contact while you talk, you can definitely create a memorable impression that will help you win one of them over in no time.

Office seduction technique #5: Shave well. Women never notice men who have a lot of hair and don’t shave their faces. That’s why you have to make sure that you don’t shave before you go to work every day and that you always smell like a good aftershave lotion. Women tend to be picky when it comes to these things, so behave yourself if you want them to be attracted to your appearance.

Office Seduction Technique #6: Be incredibly consistent. This would be another essential factor to seduce a co-worker. Also, take the time to send her a message from her that you like her and would like to share more than just a professional relationship with her. If she wants more time, give it to her.

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